Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daily Inspiration 3-17-10

"It's always worthwhile to make others aware of their worth."

-- Malcolm Forbes

"Throw your heart over the bars. . . and your body will follow."

-- Veteran Trapeze Performer

If you know someone of value, and it is of value to you, then you owe it to yourself and others to let them know it. When it comes to the heart, we are all in about the same place--hungry for love and encouragement and hungry to share that with others.

We have created a clinical world, especially the world of business where we say things a certain way, for fear of doing it incorrectly according to the rules and regulations of human interaction in the hierarchy of class and position. I can't stand that world and I refuse to be a part of it. The easiest way for me has been to have no fear of losing a job. It is the fear of losing a job that keeps people saying those 'inhuman' things. I'm sure if you haven't heard of those inhuman things, you can check with your Human Resources person. I'm sure they have many manuals on the subject.

It is amazing what you can say when you have no fear. It has made a powerful difference in my life and I am proud to have lived it this way, as I continue to do. My heart is part of who I am and it is that way whether it is at home, or at church or at work or some other event.

And, it doesn't matter if it is someone in a superior position or lesser position. I encourage them all with the same methods and the same passion. We are all driven by feelings and the better we feel, the better we perform! I just love people and want to see everyone get everything they want. Don't you? Come on, really. . . you do, right? Tell them! Let them know you care and that you notice. It will be amazing the difference you will make!

I Live On The Edge. The View Is Tremendous!

Spread Some Joy Today--Just walk up to a coworker today and tell them what you think of them. It will start a great relationship.

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