Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-30-14

"What difference does it make?" 

-- A common phrase used by teenagers 
with their parents 

Where have I heard that before? Probably out of my own mouth a few times long ago, or maybe not too long ago. It's hard to remember, you know? In fact, though this is a common phrase for teenagers, I think it is pretty popular with twenty and thirty-somethings, and plenty of middle-agers too.

It is often used in frustration not understanding the value of doing something or becoming something and is a sure sign of powerlessness. Often the parents and others may argue with the powerless one to no avail because I've heard a lot of those arguments and they aren't very convincing.

And, here is about the only answer that makes any sense at all to me. My answer is that everything makes a difference. We all make a difference. Every single thing we do or say or write makes a difference. Our body language makes a difference. Our indifference makes a difference. The person we become makes a difference. Our so-called failures make a difference along with so-called successes. Every life, every animal, every breath, every bit of life makes a difference. We cannot help it, and we cannot stop it. We are doomed to make a difference.

Which leaves only one single, yet potentially important question: What kind of difference? There is no single answer, nor right or wrong, or good or bad, as there are as many answers as there are people who give them. So, leave all worries behind and find joy in your difference-making.

Let's Celebrate That We Do Indeed All Make A Difference! 

Spread Some Joy Today--Next time you're people-watching, pay attention to how many remind you of yourself at some point in your life.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-29-14

"Forgiveness is not an end, 
nor is it resolve; however, 
 it is a worthy stepping stone 
on our own journey toward 
gratitude, acceptance, 
love, and appreciation." 

-- Albert K Strong 

As we have been born into and learned from our parents and others, listened and watched the media, discussed events with other people, it is clear that we live in a world filled with duality. This duality is often spoken of in terms of extremes of opposites, such as good and bad, right and wrong, life and death, health and illness. Often, we are taught to become judges and are encouraged to have strong feelings about these extreme choices one way or the other.

I was listening to an Esther Hicks short session the other day where a woman was talking about how she had been betrayed by their lover or spouse. She was quite upset by it, did not understand it, and the more she thought about it and talked about it, the angrier she became. How could she forgive him for hurting her so? But, forgiveness was not the answer.

When I was in my early twenties, I had a good job, but it was entry level and I was married and just getting by. A relative needed a loan and the only way the loan would be made was if someone cosigned. I agreed to help. Within just a few months, they defaulted on the loan and the bank turned to me. I accepted responsibility for the debt, but my thoughts were all about what a bad decision I made, how I should have known better, how they shouldn't have done that to me, and so on.

I thought of something funny from Jim Rohn this morning as I was driving. On a tape, he was talking about a guy he knew who was all upset about this other guy lying to him and taking him for some money and how that was terrible, unforgivable, etc. Jim's answer was this: "What did you expect? That's what liars do--they lie! To think otherwise is naive."

Here's a great piece on forgiveness by Dr. John F. Demartini from his book, The Breakthrough Experience: "Forgiveness is a self-righteous illusion that makes someone bad or wrong and then presumes to judge and pardon. An apology is judging yourself, and both are guaranteed to perpetuate whatever you judge. The only thing that transcends this dynamic is love."

He goes on to say, "If you can see that everything in your life serves you, that no matter what you've done or not done it's moving you forward, you suddenly see your own perfection and your heart opens--to yourself."

In addition, Dr. Demartini says, "There exists a hierarchy of emotional responses in life. Fear and guilt are at the bottom of the ladder; above them are faith, acceptance, and forgiveness; and at the top is the present truth of love, appreciation, and wisdom. Forgiveness is a stage on the path, but once you see that everything serves and there is nothing to forgive, it becomes another myth. The truth requires no forgiveness."

Although on the surface, and from our lifetime of training, it seems illogical and incomprehensible to be thankful and to find gratitude in these kinds of events, this is the ultimate stepping stone to laying the rope down on that subject. With forgiveness, we are still holding the rope, but we have loosened our grip and are giving slack to the opposing force, yet we are ready in a moments notice to grip it again.

It Is Not About The Other No Matter What They Are Doing Or Not Doing. It Is Always About Us And Our Own Alignment, Which Is Another Way To Say, The Ultimate Answer Is Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by finding several things and situations to be grateful for. This will be especially joyous on those subjects that were previously associated with pain or regret.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-28-14

"We never know which lives we influence, 
or when, or why." 

-- Stephen King 

I had breakfast this morning with a dear friend and devoted reader of these Daily Inspirations. He said that I could have no idea how many people have been or will be touched by these messages.

He was talking about how he has shared them with others, but even more than this, it was the positive changes in himself that affected everyone that he came in contact with throughout his day.

Stephen King has it well said in that we never know who or how many we influence, or even when, or why. As well, there are negative influences that are shared with others, so it has less to do with the tone being positive or negative, and more to do with someone being inspired enough to share or to live in a way that reflects that change or sharing.

What I am trying to get to is that we all influence each other, and in turn, those who are influenced become influencers too, and it grows exponentially. The numbers may even look small on the surface, and run deep as it spreads. A really good question might be, what kind of influence am I? As I realize that I influence others, and I pretty much cannot help that, I might want to consider the type of influence I am and see if that is okay with me.

As a Christian or a Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, and many others, we might ask ourselves if we are influencing others in a way that brings respect and dignity or are we saying one thing and doing another? Religions are just different rooms in the same inn, or so it might seem; however, I think it is far more basic than this. Are we loving others or promoting fear instead?

It really does come down to how we influence others and exactly what kind of influence we want to be. And, that is either a conscious or unconscious choice. We are aware and choose on purpose, or a choice is made by default, and in the end is a choice regardless. There have probably been times in my life when I made choices unconsciously, but predominantly, my choice is to be a positive, uplifting influence. To succeed at this is an awesome feeling for me.

Love Is My Greatest Influence. How About You? 

Spread Some Joy Today--by opening your heart, and then your eyes.

Today marks the 1,825th post and completes five years of the CTS Daily Inspirations. Thank you for the opportunity to share thoughts with you all this time.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-27-14

There's nothing quite like. . . 

. . . a warm rain and the way the air smells and feels afterward while clouds linger blocking parts of the sun, yet letting much of its light without the direct heat of the sun.

. . . an afternoon thunderstorm with some heavy rain, maybe even a bit of hail, a temporary stiff breeze and then the calm languishing of the afterward.

. . . the way a garden glistens and wallows after a delicious rain.

. . . swimming in the pool, then laying on the sunny concrete deck smelling the unmistakable scent of wet concrete on a warm day.

. . . the look on a friend or lovers face when you know they are loving you perfectly as you are, and you are feeling exactly the same.

. . . a full tank of gas, whether you decide to go anywhere or not. It is the comfort of knowing that you are ready at a moments notice.

. . . not needing to ask anyone permission for anything.

. . . doing anything your heart desires, including nothing at all.

. . . a personal physical pampering session that lingers for hours, perhaps even days.

. . . lots of leaves in the courtyard and loving how that looks and feels.

 . . . a perfectly tuned quality wind chime with the perfect volume dancing and singing.

. . . watching birds take a bath in the birdbath. Sometimes it is a group event.

. . . spending time with the Golden Gate Bridge from the Battery Spencer ridge just outside of the gate where you can see the whole of the San Francisco Bay Area.

. . . the road to Hana on Maui in a convertible, or any road on any island in Hawaii in a convertible for that matter. . .

There's Nothing Quite Like The Feeling Of Love And Appreciation In The Millions Of Ways It Is Available. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Make your list!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-26-14

"You can do the most remarkable things, 
no matter what happens." 

-- Jim Rohn 

Jim Rohn was a mentor for me that I was introduced to via cassette tape in December of 1980. I will never forget the first tape I heard him on. He was so inspiring to me at that time in my life. Later I would learn more about him and buy a number of his tape sets and listen over and over. He would tell it like it is because he had been there, yet he did so as a skilled wordsmith.

In a short piece called, Doing the Remarkable, he said that regardless of how negative things can be in your life from time to time, or whether you're walking through a desert of economic chaos, regardless of what is going on, we have the unique ability to change. He explains briefly how and why people can change:

"You can do the most remarkable things, no matter what happens. People can do incredible things, unbelievable things, despite the most impossible or disastrous circumstances."

He continues with my favorite part: "Here is why humans can do remarkable things: because they are remarkable."

Jim goes on to say, "Humans can turn nothing into something, pennies into fortune, and disaster into success. And the reason they can do such remarkable things is because they are remarkable. Try reaching down inside yourself, you'll come up with some more of those remarkable human gifts. They're there, waiting to be discovered and employed. With those gifts, you can change anything for yourself that you wish to change."

We were not created as puppets in life being manipulated by circumstance and the folly of others. We were created as creators. We have the remarkable ability to create our own reality--even in the face of a current reality that has not gone according to our desires. We begin that glorious journey by first realizing and accepting that challenge. We are creators. We do create. That also means accepting the responsibility of being a creator.

We Are Remarkable Because We Are Creators, And With That Gift, We Can Change Anything We Desire. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Next time you look in the mirror, look with renewed eyes. See the remarkable creator that you are. That is joy.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-25-14

"Creativity is a highfalutin word 
for the work I have to do 
between now and Tuesday." 

-- Ray Kroc 

 "Thought, not money, 
is the real business capital." 

-- Harvey Firestone 

I've worked hard, and often a lot of hours, and have committed myself to get the job done in most applications. I'm not a slacker. However, I learned a very valuable (to me) lesson about being a manager, which has been my job title in one way or another and one enterprise or another most of my life. That lesson is this: I understood very early into management that a good manager learns how to delegate and create space to be able to grow.

In The E Myth Revisited, Michael E Gerber demonstrates that it is at least as important for the manager to work on the business as in the business. So many managers work in the business and rarely on the business. How do you grow an organization that way?

It is often stated this way: "I'm too busy for any of that." Or, "I've got too much to do and I'll get to that when I can." Maybe it is, "I need help!" Or, "I need a bigger team, or more hours in the day, more support from above me, and so on." The list is long, but there must be time to think, to plan, to design, to expand.

I know some managers whom's day is completely filled to capacity and beyond with emergencies. They are putting out fires here, helping the wounded there, doing the selling they cannot trust others to do, responding to the boss, cleaning up the debris, filling in for the outage, feeling indispensable and looking extremely important. Everything that is happening right now is so important that there can be no time for planning and preparation, solving issues that create the fires, and so much more than a manager was designed to accomplish.

When I started my first opportunity as a seasoned manager to take over a failing commercial sales department, they wanted me to do exactly as my predecessor did. They wanted me to manage the department AND be a selling manager. I refused. It doesn't work. So they relented and it was a massive success on their part.

If you are a manager directing a department, or a key manager in a certain area, it is going to be to your benefit and that of the company tenfold to MAKE THE TIME--take the time--create the time to work on the business at least as much if not more than in the business. You need to make a case if they object, as I did in refusing to be a selling manager.

Or not. This is just my opinion of course, but I can assure you that it has made a huge difference to my own sanity and that of those I have served, and continue to serve.

Consider this as well: I think this philosophy is equally important for any salesperson.

"Capital Isn't That Important In Business. Experience Isn't That Important. You Can Get Both Of These Things. What Is Important Is Ideas." -- Harvey Firestone 

Spread Some Joy Today--You have the time. Take it. Create some joy for yourself and others. The easiest route is always finding things and people to appreciate.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-24-14

"Failure is the foundation of success, 
and the means by which it is achieved." 

-- Lao Tzu 

This is one of the best definitions of success I've ever seen. For the moment, let's assume that it is a true statement. This being the case, everyone is either already a success or on their way. If they are on their way, it is a given that they will eventually succeed. This would mean essentially that it is impossible to not succeed, thereby this makes everyone a success. Based on that, why wait to celebrate? Do it now while you're on the way. There's nothing like enjoying your travels.

Since You're Already A Success, Congratulations Are In Order! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by choosing one single goal today to simply enjoy yourself.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-23-14

"Everything happens for a reason. 
Sometimes the reason is 
that you're stupid 
and make bad decisions." 

-- Bill Murray 

From one of my all-time favorite comedic actors comes such hilarious and truthful words of wisdom and encouragement. How many times have I been brain-dead stupid and made bad decisions? I stopped counting years ago. It's embarrassing. But, it's only embarrassing when I think I should be some kind of financial wizard and selfless mutant. I laughed so hard when I read this quote because it is so true, for me anyway.

But, you know, it is being able to see this and laugh at myself and my own learning lessons that makes it okay to talk about. The list of mistakes, especially financial mistakes would be too long to list here, but I also know that none of that matters much when it comes to the end. It's all just stuff. It's all just decisions. It is all just results. Like the wonderful song sung by Kelly Clarkson, Whatever Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger! That is true as well. The lessons that I have learned. . .

There have been enough stupid decisions in my life to last several lifetimes, and there may still be more on the horizon; however, I no longer worry about that, focus on mistakes, or make excuses to others so that I might feel better. It's all good. Like yesterday's post, all those mistakes are just stepping stones to joy. In fact, I've learned to feel the joy on the way so that there is no regret, and no need to ask forgiveness. It's all good.

Reader's Digest Used To Have A Column Called, Laughter Is The Best Medicine. It Surely Is. It Realigns Us With Joy, Our Ultimate Goal.

Spread Some Joy Today--by laughing at ourselves, which is exactly the same as dropping the rope.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-22-14

"On some dimension or other, 
every event in life 
can be causing only one of two things: 
either it is good for you, 
or it is bringing up 
what you need to look at 
in order to create good for you. 
Evolution is win-win. . . 
life is self-correcting." 

-- Deepak Chopra 

There's a very popular phrase in recent years: 'It's all good!" Can this be true? Well, obviously, it depends on how you look at it and what you're paying attention to.

I love Deepak Chopra's way of seeing that it's all good. Based on this attitude and outlook, the Universe or God is conspiring always in our best interests. Interesting way of looking at it, don't you think?

Now ask yourself this question: What would my life be like, or how might my life change if I adopted such an outlook on life? What if I believed that no matter what was going on at the moment, that it truly is all good? What if I believed that life really is win-win and not win-lose?

I'm thinking that unless you already had this attitude that your life would change dramatically. Therein lies the possibility of it being all good.

"You Are Not A Drop In The Ocean, But The Ocean In The Drop." -- Deepak Chopra 

Spread Some Joy Today--by looking in the mirror and loving what you see.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-21-14

"You wander from room to room 
hunting for the diamond necklace 
that is already around your neck!" 

-- Rumi 

I laughed when I read this quote because I remember frantically searching for my eyeglasses one day long ago and I searched for more than an hour in every place I could think of and then I found that I was wearing them. Although, I'm certain that Rumi meant by this quote that we have the answers within us. It's like the Acres of Diamonds story by Russell Conwell that I was introduced to back in the early 70s, where a frustrated man sold his property and went on a trip to find his riches when all along his property was sitting on the richest cache of diamonds ever found. He had no idea what those rocks were.

I've come to believe that all of the answers we ever need are within us, yet often it is like the brain which stores everything, but recall is sometimes challenging. Learning from others, and gathering information may inspire us to come back to ourselves and trust in our own alignment with the God within. The best someone else can do for us is to redirect us to ourselves.

Not trusting ourselves in our own abilities and intelligence can be a roadblock, and this makes it all the more important to practice our knowing. We are far more than we seem. Each of us has a direct connection to God or the Universe or All-That-Is which we can tap into at will. As we go within and relax in our inner knowing, by practice, we become confident. Just by knowing that we have this connection and that all that we need is within, this narrows our search considerably.

Whether by prayer, meditation, relaxation, and others, it is a letting go of what is in our face and all around us for just a short time to make the inner connection. We just need to stop the flow of constant information long enough to find the truth for us.

"Do Not Feel Lonely, The Entire Universe Is Inside You." -- Rumi 

Spread Some Joy Today--by changing the tone of gossip, or walking away entirely. Either serve us.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-20-14

"I've always thought
you have to live life
looking forward, not backward. 
I've had no interest at all 
in who my ancestors are." 

-- Jeremy Paxman 

I was talking on the phone with a dear old friend the other day. The call was lengthy and full of laughter and joy and love. My love for this guy is so deep and pure and unconditional and having very different religious views hasn't the slightest effect to change this love, nor the large time spaces between communications. He has always been perfect and full of life and love to me.

As we were talking, I said to him that I feel as if I have lived twice already and am beginning my third life in this same body. It's interesting, but that is what I feel like. Each life has been a huge learning and growing experience with all the ups and downs and in and outs that might fill one full life. There were lots of experimentation, risk-taking, successes and so-called failures. There were joy and sorrow and plenty of frustration to lubricate the wheel of new desire.

The reason I say they were different lives is that they were full enough to be a full life, and the benefit as I see it now is that I began again from a different perspective, from a different level of being.

The best part is how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to experience them. I truly am blessed to have received these lives. As I look at my present now and how this third life feels, I feel so much joy, wonder, appreciation for this new starting point and for the extreme joy that is before me. How fascinating it feels to look at things this way in what has gone before and what is now with views of an even greater becoming.

One thing I know for sure in this newest life is that it will be largely focused on living in the unconditional love of all others and myself as I practice its fullness.

Rejoice! Endings Always Lead To New Beginnings. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by releasing the need to be right. That alone will do it.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-19-14

"People often say that 
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder," 
and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty
is realizing that you are the beholder. 
This empowers us to find beauty 
in places where others have not dared to look, 
including inside ourselves." 

-- Salma Hayek 

That was so well said, I'll leave it to stand on its own.

Close Your Eyes And See The Beauty In You!

Spread Some Joy Today--in your enthusiastic appreciation.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-18-14

"Is it not strange 
that desire should so many years 
outlive performance?" 

Ambition should be made 
of sterner stuff." 

-- William Shakespeare 

We can 'should' ourselves into leading a disconnected and less than fulfilling life by trying over and over again to follow the edicts of some expert or guru. I used to do that myself and failed virtually every single time and then I would beat myself up for failing to do what seems like I should be doing in order to succeed, or be better, or to become the person I'm supposed to be and so on. It sucks. Living this way is not a life worth living to me now, yet I used to do it all the time.

I received one of the many email newsletters that I enjoy receiving. This one had a list of 'easy' things to do. Any one may be easy, but as a list, they are near impossible except for those special people. One item was to drink 10 glasses of water a day. Really? Give me a break. Maybe if I'm walking through the desert, but to think I will drink 10 glasses of water a day is crazy to me. Of course, maybe they are only 2 oz. glasses. . .

Another was not eating flour, sugar or fried foods. How about cardboard? That might improve your digestion. Well, this one isn't that hard if you have will power and turn a blind eye to everything around you. Another was getting to the gym. I have a gym in my house and can't seem to get to it. Often I walk right past it barely noticing all that stuff is there. Other times, I might think that I 'should' be working out. Whew! I'm tired already. . .

Also on this list were things that are truly easy for me, such as, expressing my love each day, praising a few people on my team today. I don't even break a sweat doing these things, and frankly (such an interesting word. . .frankly), these have a far greater payoff than those not-so-easy things I mentioned earlier.

Here's what I've learned about this subject. I have read many hundreds of books and I take what resonates with me and leave the rest. I receive all kinds of newsletters, inspirational quotes and more, and I take what resonates with me and delete the rest. As you can see, expressing love and praising people, thanking people resonates with me, but drinking 10 glasses of water does not. So I have learned to be very happy to take full advantage of what I like and ignore that which I do not like.

I have read well over a thousand books, but I did not finish all of them. I only finished the ones that kept resonating with me. Some might resonate for a while and then stop resonating completely. I close the cover and move on. It's the same with movies. It works and if it stops working, I shut it off and try another. Though I might have in the past, I never force myself to continue with things that don't resonate with me in some way. I value all of the input, and sometimes some of the input, and I love to partake in the diversity. It helps me feel alive.

Choice Is Perfect Play. We All Have That Perfection. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by choosing the thoughts that empower, extend, and enhance you. That is joy in action.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-17-14

"This is my invariable advice to people: 
Learn how to cook-- try new recipes, 
learn from your mistakes, 
be fearless, 
and above all have fun!" 

-- Julia Child 

I've cooked all my life. My mother taught me at a very young age to cook oatmeal. They didn't have instant oatmeal back then, so you had to stir and watch it for a long time so it wouldn't burn in the pot. When I was a teenager, I watched The Galloping Gourmet TV show and mimicked many of his recipes like Chicken Kiev with clarified butter mixed with garlic chilled to a solid to go into the chicken breast, and cut the meat in one piece from the breastbone. He was fun and I loved that show. It's interesting that I never watched Julia Child except rarely.

Julia Child says, "The more you know, the more you can create. There's no end to the imagination in the kitchen." I watched and learned and tried a lot of recipes, and then at some point, I just put the recipes in the cupboard and made up my own. I haven't used a recipe in a long, long time.

Do you know what I love about cooking? What I love is that once you decide that you can cook, and you're open to experiment and learning, your imagination is your best guide. I can cook up something special when the cupboards are almost bare. It's just a matter of creativity. Knowing what goes with what is simply a matter of courage and taste.

Anyone who desires to do so can be a chef. You don't have to have specific skills like the TV show hosts, but some basic skills and some desire. What matters is not the presentation or the method of preparation, or in which order what gets mixed with what. What matters is how it tastes.

The other thing I love about cooking is using real food as ingredients. The produce department is my favorite spot in the grocery store. I love venturing out and trying some new and interesting ingredients I've never used before. Lately, I've really been into ginger and turmeric. Both are well known for disease prevention and once I tried them, I found I loved them. A friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 6 months to live and he discovered ginger and began eating it every day. That was 10 years ago. Some foods are powerful antioxidants, like turmeric.

One of the things that experimental cooking has done for me was to help me to be more confident in my own skills and use of knowledge, however limited. I love Julia Child when she says, "the only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking, you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude." I know it has served me well, and not just in cooking. . .

"Always Start Out With A Larger Pot Than What You Think You Need." -- Julia Child. 

I Have Found This To Be Good Advice. . . On A Lot Of Fronts. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by paying extra attention to someone. Just because.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-16-14

"What would my life have been like 
if I hadn't cared so much 
about what people thought?" 

-- Oprah Winfrey 

Earlier this month, Oprah Winfrey published a book titled, What I Know For Sure, and I just had to share a bit of it with you. It is a very special book from a very special woman who has had the privilege to influence millions of people over time. Though I hardly ever watched her show since it was in the daytime, I could not help being influenced anyway, and what was also interesting looking back is that it has been as if she has been growing up, expanding, and becoming right along with all the rest of us.

In the chapter, Possibility, she talks about fear and how fear can rule your life. She says, "What I know for sure is this: Whatever you fear most has no power--it is your fear that has the power. The thing itself cannot touch you. But your fear can rob you of your life."

One of the strongest fears that she removed from her life was about what other people may or may not think about her. She began by acknowledging her fear. She says, "before I could challenge my fear and begin changing what I believe about myself, I had to admit that, yes, I had always been afraid--and that my fear was a form of slavery."

Then she quoted author Neale Donald Walsch, who said, "so long as you're still worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you own yourself."

She says that when you decide and "dare to step out, speak up, change yourself, or simply do something outside of what others call the norm, the results may not always be pleasant. . . others may call you nutty. At times it may feel like the whole world is rising up to tell you who you cannot become and what you cannot do. (It can upset people when you exceed the limited expectations they've always had for you.)"

Oprah goes on to say, "but the alternatives are even worse: You might find yourself stuck in a miserable rut for years at a time. Or you could spend too many days languishing in regret, always wondering, What would my life have been like if I hadn't cared so much about what people thought?"

I know in my own life that I have dealt a lot with the fear and fantasies of what other people may think about what I say or do or have said and done or failed to do. It can be such a burden causing me to hide out. One of the ways I have come out of that cave is writing these notes. I put myself out there sometimes and whatever happens, happens. The doing of it teaches me to be less fearful and my goal is to be fearless. It's also interesting that of all the comments that people have sent me over these last five years of postings, not a single one was negative in any way. It was as if I were growing up, expanding, and becoming right along with all the rest.

As a final note to this post, I have to exclaim how powerfully joyful I have felt by this book from Oprah. I am more into audiobooks now than print, but often buy both. Often the audiobook is a matter of convenience, but in this case, I think that the best way to get the feel of this book is the audiobook version. Oprah is reading it and it is hands down, the best read audiobook ever, full of feeling as only she who has lived it could tell. I suggest you would thoroughly enjoy it. I think it is worth sipping, letting the subtle flavors be completely noticed and appreciated. The messages have been said in many ways by many people, but never in the way that Oprah says them and entirely worth the trip.

"And What If You Decided Right Now That You Will Stop Letting Fear Block You?" -- Oprah Winfrey 

Spread Some Joy Today--by realizing that fear is simply resistance and that by letting go of that rope, joy is possible, and as you become more joyous, those around you will as well.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-15-14

"And suddenly you know: 
It's time to start something new 
and trust the magic of beginnings." 

-- Meister Eckhart 

Yes. I am. I Will. It's time. I love beginnings. I love entrepreneurship. Management bogs me down somewhat, but beginnings are special and so damn exciting. I've been thinking long enough. It is time. I am ready. . .

. . . I Think. . . 

Spread Some Joy Today--because you know you want to. Is there anything that feels better?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-14-14

"Crime panel finds 
pockets of despair." 

-- Headline from the 9-13-14 issue 
of the Fairfield CA Daily Republic newspaper 

I receive the daily local newspaper, not to get news, but to see any advertisements for our clients and to see any articles that we might spread on their behalf. When I opened it up this morning the headline said Crime panel finds pockets of despair. At first glance, I thought, are they serious? Then I just broke out in laughter for several minutes. Really? Pockets of despair?

What made me laugh the longest were the three photos of politicians on the panel that had smiling faces as if they finally found the problem. Then they went into several of the underlying issues contributing to the pockets of despair. Are you ready? It is single mothers. The offenders were raised by single mothers. Well, there you have it, folks--it's the single mother issue as if getting rid of single mothers would solve anything.

They are ready now to present this wonderful package of crime panel findings to the City Council on Tuesday. I'll bet they will be amazed at the report. They also add that "the commission was impressed with the comprehensive crime-fighting employed by the police and they were praised for the department's forward thinking.

So, now we know the problem and the solution: Single mothers and forward thinking police. Then, they get into more of the same old blah, blah, blah as if this blah wasn't enough. They had to have a whole commissioned panel to get to the bottom of this.

OK, enough of the sarcasm, but I just couldn't help it. It's hilarious. One more quote: "The city will never have the fiscal resources necessary for an all-out war on crime." As if wars have ever solved anything in the entire history of humankind.

The real thing is that crime is not something to fight, nor drugs, cancer, bullying, and the list is endless in today's world. Fighting these things only strengthens them. Creating more awareness about them only makes them stronger and more well-known. It doesn't solve the problem but only makes it worse.

Single mothers don't create criminals. Some criminals have single moms. It's simpler than we make it, but not necessarily easy. The only thing that will change any of this is thinking differently by choosing better thoughts, which helps us make better choices and by being aware that we alone are responsible for our thinking and our actions. It's not about fighting against but turning toward the solution and the solution will always be based on what we think. Teach that on a massive scale starting with ourselves and we will be on to a far better world.

Pockets Of Despair? What A Limited Focus! Change The Thoughts From Fear To Love And Change A Bit Of The World. One Pocket At A Time. What's In Your Pocket? 

Spread Some Joy Today--by turning your eyes to the thriving world; the enthusiastic world; the loving world. Joy doesn't attack. It is simply a choice.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-13-14

"Don't sell the steak, 
sell the sizzle." 

 -- Elmer Wheeler 

Yesterday, I had such an awesome day. I spent the morning doing some video and some sales coaching with a new salesperson and a new friend when out of my mouth came the phrase: Don't sell the steak, sell the sizzle.


It has been many years since I have said that phrase and I would not have remembered exactly where I got it if it weren't for the vast depth of information on YouTube. The photo above is a record album shot of a record that I listened to many times when I first entered the car business in 1972. The general manager at the Chevy dealership that hired me as a 22-year old green pea had a bunch of sales related record albums and I had the pleasure and advantage to listen to them to my heart's content just by asking. This was one of them. They were all from the 60s, and much of the content was from the 40s and 50s, and all of them were excellent as well leaving a lasting impact on my mind.

There is a tendency, especially with familiarity, to take shortcuts in our sales talk by pointing out feature after feature, such as this has tilt-wheel, cruise, power group, blue tooth, and all the bells and whistles. Now it's funny for me, but when I got in the business, tilt steering wheel which is so taken for granted in today's automotive offerings, had to be purposely sold. It had just come out and people didn't know it or trust it. We had to demonstrate how it was used and what the benefits were to them.

And, that leads me to the part that is missing from a lot of sales talks: the benefits to the customer. Each feature has a benefit and more time should be spent on the benefits than the features. It is the benefits and having the prospective buyer understanding the benefits to them that closes the sale. Features are insignificant without the benefits.

There is also a tendency to use 'car talk' or 'industry jargon' that we may be completely clear on what it is and the prospective buyer not having a clue. One such phrase is in a paragraph above: power group. What the heck is that? It's best to avoid using industry jargon at all then we won't use it with a prospect.

The other aspect of selling the sizzle is the emotion we attach to the communication. It is the enthusiasm which is always contagious. It is caring enough that it becomes obvious that you care about the other person. It is the love and attention you bring to the communication, and how you feel about what you do and your own life has a bearing on all of that and more.

Whatever our business, it is good to remember to sell the sizzle. Sell the benefits. That will improve the experience and it will also be better received and be more meaningful to the person we are trying to communicate with, and in addition, create more business and close more sales.

Just for the fun of it, here is a link to a video of Elmer Wheeler's Sell the Sizzle:

Putting Ourselves In The Shoes Of The Other Person Is Always A Benefit To Us.

Spread Some Joy Today--by simply choosing to enjoy yourself in whatever is on your plate to do today. That is what matters.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-12-14

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, 
but no one thinks of changing himself." 

-- Leo Tolstoy 

As I was reflecting just a bit about yesterdays Daily Inspiration on the subject of mentoring and how it is up to the one wanting to be mentored to reach out, otherwise nothing will come of it. It is up to us to ask, and as the Bible said so succinctly, "Ask, and Ye Shall Receive, Seek and Ye Shall Find."

I've been studying personal empowerment, spiritual awakening, and learning to love myself and others and choose my own path for some years now. The good news for me is that I have almost no drama anymore in my life. After much trial, I have learned as Eckhart Tolle said, "Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists." So, I've learned to put the oars in the boat and go with the current rather than row upstream.

It is no small thing in my life to learn these things and put them to work, or rather, play, in my life. It is something I am so joyful about and would love to share the whole path of mine with everyone, but I also have learned through much trial that people will only listen when their ears are ready, and they will only reach out when they are ready for a change and eager to learn.

Sometimes, I might talk with someone who is hurting and I know that the knowledge that I have come to could benefit them greatly, and yet I don't offer or encourage anymore other than what kinds of things I might share here. The Law of Attraction is real and it is constantly working and as I said yesterday when the student is ready, he or she will attract the teacher and the information. It is always available. Just as it was for me when I was seriously ready in 2007.

So, sometimes we want to help others because we know that it has helped us, but telling them before they are ready is just a bunch of white noise to them. Besides, here's the other thing that is equally important--there are many paths and they can all be good. The is no way, but many ways. It is much more a factor of does it resonate with them, then that is for them. If it resonates with me, that is for me. When something resonates it is the most powerful influence on any of us. It is the inspiration in vibration.

Pushing against unwanted things is of no value and only serves to strengthen them, and make them more prevalent in our lives. It is rowing upstream. It is the tug-o-war contest. Only by releasing the rope, and thereby releasing the resistance can anything positive come of it. At the same time, it is only the releasing of our own resistance that we can become open to hearing about change that can bring us new life. When we try to push that enthusiasm on others when they aren't ready, it is the same thing as picking the rope up again.

"We Change The World Not By What We Say Or Do, But As A Consequence Of What We Have Become." -- David R Hawkins 

Spread Some Joy Today--It's so hard to get anything good done with that rope in your hand. Just lay it down and feel the joy well up in you already. Turn and walk outside and raise your arms up high. Shout "Thank You!"

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-11-14

"You can only mentor somebody 
if they want to be." 

-- Phil Ramone 

Donovan Bailey says that "every kid needs a mentor. Everybody needs a mentor." Based on all I know from living my life, I agree with this entirely. It has also been an observation of mine that I have met a lot of people who fail to take the lead in being mentored. It is the mentee, or the person desiring or needing mentoring--it is their responsibility to reach out to a potential mentor. Sometimes, there might be a situation where a third party brings them together, and whereas this can be a beginning, it will go nowhere fast without the action of the mentee. A mentor is not the one that reaches out beyond once if that. It is the wrong sequence.

There are so many people who have certain skills, knowledge, ideas that can and will be mentors to those who are bold enough to reach out. Even famous people, who on first glance, we might think they wouldn't be interested at all or too busy, are open to it. Clint Eastwood is quoted as saying, "I'm a mentor to anybody who's interested." That pretty plain. Some even go out of their way to help, as with this quote from the singer, actress, entrepreneur, Paula Abdul, who said, "I love doing what I do. I'm a born mentor. I've launched so many people's careers. I worked hard." And Jessica Simpson said, "To be a mentor for up-and-coming artists is right up my alley."

Hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life are ready and willing, but as the old and very wise saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. In addition, that is when the learning is most effective too.

One last thing about mentoring. as the quote by Donovan Baily says above. . . everybody needs a mentor. This would apply to all ages. I need a mentor and I reach out and find them and they don't even have to be alive in today's world for me to get the mentoring that I need and want. I'm always ready to be mentored. As well, I am always ready to be a mentor.

"It's An Intangible Thing, This Thing We Call Talent, Especially If We're In A Position To Teach And Mentor Others." -- Alan Zweibel 

Spread Some Joy Today--because it's Thursday. That should be a good enough reason!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-10-14

"Man is timid and apologetic; 
he is no longer upright; 
he dares not say "I think," "I am," 
but quotes some saint or sage. 
He is ashamed before the blade of grass
  or the blowing rose. 
These roses under my window 
make no reference to former roses or to better ones; 
they are for what they are; 
 they exist with God today. 
There is no time for them. 
There is simply the rose; 
it is perfect in every moment of its existence. 
Before a leaf-bud has burst, 
its whole life acts; 
in the full-blown flower there is no more; 
in the leafless root, there is no less. 
Its nature is satisfied, 
and it satisfies nature, 
in all moments alike. 
But man postpones or remembers; 
he does not live in the present, 
but with reverted eye laments the past, 
or, heedless of the riches that surround him, 
stands on tiptoe to foresee the future. 
He cannot be happy and strong 
until he too lives with nature 
in the present, above time." 

 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Standing on tiptoes to foresee the future. . . my reverted eye laments the past, both often heedless of the riches that surround me. This would make me think that the present is not where I want to be because of whatever it is in the present that I do not want; however, being present has nothing whatsoever to do with that. It is more an acknowledgment that there is no such thing as the past or the future, and that all there ever is would be right now. All of our actions can only be done now. Our decisions can only be now. All of life is right now. To miss the awe of that moment is to not be present.

"Live In The Sunshine, Swim In The Sea, Drink The Wild Air." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Spread Some Joy Today--as it is impossible not to do so when you are in joy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-9-14

"Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. 
All life is an experiment. 
The more experiments you make the better." 

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Sometimes there is a tendency to tarry long in hopes of making the right decision when, in fact, any decision might get you there.

I'll bet you can think back on decisions you've made that could have turned out poorly and yet they turned out to be excellent choices. It may not have been the most direct way to the target, but it arrived in excellent fashion regardless.

I'll also bet that you can think back on decisions you've made where you were sure you wanted a certain objective to be attained and found instead that the decision you made caused a series of events and circumstances to lead you to something you had not considered, and perhaps didn't even think was possible, and was more spot on what you wanted at the same time.

The best thing about decisions is the action they create. It is the movement. Some might say that deciding not to decide is a decision, and I call that procrastination, which is a lack of decision. Though I have at times been an expert in procrastination, I do know the thrill and sheer power of a decision. Even if it may appear to be the so-called wrong decision, I've made enough of them to know that I'm in good company in simply making one.

Right Or Wrong Doesn't Matter. Movement Or Not Does. Movement IS Life. 

Spread Some Joy Today--when you realize your mind is on a tangent of a complaint and observing what you do not want or like, that is good. Now step by step, move toward joy. The easiest way is to begin to appreciate something, anything. Then another and another. If you cannot find anything, ask yourself, 'If I could appreciate something, what might it be right now?'

Monday, September 8, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-8-14

"He who is contented is rich."
-- Lao Tzu

I was watching a show on TV and there was a couple with two children in court wanting a divorce. Having been a kid whose family went through two divorces, I know it is the kids that seem to get a lot of hurt feelings from that, and the adults have their share too.

There are always issues. One of them that comes up often is money, how it is used or not used, how much there is relative to what is wanted and so much more. In the case on the TV show, they argued about money often.

My two wives and I argued about money, but that was only a symptom. The real problem is priorities and focus. There were times in my life when I made over $150k a year and then there were times when I made $600 a month and had no furniture of my own. All those things that can be bought with money can sure fill up an apartment or house and then off-site storage too, but when they are compared to love, they mean absolutely nothing. The same is true with money. When it is compared to love is means absolutely nothing.

Of course, I am not saying money isn't important. It is. It pays the rent, buys food, furniture, books, and all kinds of things. It pays for services that we benefit from, so yes, it is extremely important, but it has its place and sometimes we might get so used to trying so hard to keep all the balls in the air of having a better life that we let our priorities get out of order.

Children can benefit from money, but I can say from experience that the difference money makes is insignificant to the love of a caring mother and father. I remember having so little and even not much to eat, but the love and laughter made up for anything that was perceived as missing.

My father died when I was 13 and of all the memories I have, one stands out above all the rest. We were sitting on the couch in his living room and he was hugging me and rubbing his chin on my face and neck and I have never forgotten what his beard felt like. He was totally loving me and being present, which was rare but so welcomed.

Money and things have their place and they are important. On my now priorities list they are not at the top, but loving family, friends, other people, and being present with them floats to the top. And, there has become one other thing that floats to the top, and that is loving myself, respecting myself, and being present by myself. That works.

I Think I've Finally Got My Priorities Straight.

Spread Some Joy Today--because joy is as much a priority as love. They go together.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-7-14

"Kids don't lack capacity,
only teachers."

-- Jim Rohn

I love Netflix and the biggest reason I love Netflix is the suggestions they make, or the options they show me to see movies that would never have come onto my radar. I've watched so many that have been so darn good and that I rated a '5' that I never heard of and would not have seen otherwise.

One of those is a documentary titled, The Hobart Shakespeareans, where a teacher named Rafe Esquith excels consistently at expanding fifth graders toward being the best that they can be. Maybe you've seen the movie and enjoyed it as much as I did. Not the movie, but the whole idea of what Rafe has been and is doing. He has also written several books.

Below is the trailer for the movie:

Here is the text from the video online: Teacher Rafe Esquith has a point of view, a very strong one, about educating children of immigrants. Teaching in Los Angeles at one of the nation's largest inner-city grade schools, Hobart Elementary, Esquith leads his class of fifth graders through an uncompromising curriculum of English, mathematics, geography and literature. He inspires them with cross-country trips to learn history first-hand. And at the end of the semester, every student performs in a full-length Shakespeare play: in this case Hamlet, with advice from actors Ian McKellen and Michael York. Despite language barriers and poverty, these Hobart Shakespeareans move on to attend outstanding colleges, motivated by a teacher honored with a National Medal of Arts. A co-presentation with Thirteen/WNET New York.
I love to celebrate this kind of creativity, and AWESOME commitment.
"If Kids Clearly See The Promise, They Will Gladly Pay The Price." -- Jim Rohn
Spread Some Joy Today--by celebrating some of your successes. Treat yourself!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-6-14

"What we see 
depends mainly 
on what we look for." 

-- John Lubbock 

Since my wife, Nancy died a year ago, I've gone through hundreds, maybe even into the thousands of photographs, most of which I had never seen. I pulled out probably around a hundred that spoke to me and I have them on display to appreciate what they say to me.

There is one that I call perspectives that I will share today. It is just below:

This photo was taken by Nancy about 20 years ago, and it may be even slightly older than that. Most of the backyard was a 36' long swimming pool plus a deck on three sides.

When I look at this I have my own perspectives, but I wonder what hers were. I can only speculate knowing Nancy, but I wonder what she was looking at.

Was she seeing the electric pole and the wires that appear to be foreign to the rest of that environment? Was she looking at the bushes and trees? Maybe it was the table and chairs with the umbrella, maybe wishing they were different than they are. Or, maybe it was the tile which never quite sparkled? Maybe she was critical of her legs, or feet, or the lounge chair she was reclining on?

I know what I hoped would be her perspective. I'll speak it in the first person as if I were Nancy.

I have great legs. They are shapely and long and perfect. I love my feet and red is such a great color next to my skin color. It is so wonderful to lay here in the sun, basking in the warmth on this truly beautiful day. I love watching the water shimmer as the sunlight plays with it, and I love the blue color as it reflects the color of the sky. What an awesome place this is just outside the back door where I can kick back, catch some rays, unwind, relax, and truly let go and simply enjoy myself. I feel like I'm on vacation and so I am at this moment. I have such gratitude for all of this that surrounds me and I feel so full of joy right now. It is a magnificent day!

Now, I know what I see when I look at this photo. I see those gorgeous legs, the red nail polish, and I want to be laying there next to her holding her other hand than the one taking the photo.

What do you see? What is your perspective?

"The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back." -- Henry David Thoreau 

Spread Some Joy Today--by changing your self-talk to speak highly of yourself and everything around you.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-5-14

"If you knew who walked beside you at all times, 
on the path that you have chosen, 
you could never experience fear or doubt again." 

-- Wayne W Dyer 

No matter how much I have learned, or how enlightened I have become, there are those times that I beat up on myself about the silliest things. The good news is that where this used to happen virtually every day, it now happens rarely. The other part of the good news is that I now understand my emotional guidance system so much better and can realize soon that in my feeling crappy about myself or actions I have taken, or not taken (more likely), I know that is not where I want to be and remember that what I really want is to feel good.

To put things into perspective, I love another quote by Wayne Dyer where he says that, "conflict cannot survive without your participation." I know that this applies to conflict on the inside of us as much as conflict outside.

This brought me to something I shared several days ago from an online class I took with Anita Moorjani where she suggests we ask the question in several different ways, "If I loved myself. . . what would I be doing? Thinking? How would I be treating myself? How would I want to feel? How would I choose to live my life?" And, this morning when I got up, feeling crappy about myself, I began asking that question and as I answered each one, I began feeling better and better and better.

I don't think I will ever get to the point where I don't think poorly of myself from time to time. It is just part of the way life works; however, I do know what to do about it. I do know how to recognize that it is happening. I do know that if I turn and look at anything that I can appreciate that I will find another and another. I do know that when I am appreciating things and people that I feel wonderful inside. I do know that I can find things to appreciate about myself. I do know that I have all of the power of the solution and can recognize and even appreciate the problem for it leads me to become more, to expand, to love. And, now that I feel good, I can thrive!

There Is Power In Contrast Once We Realize That It Is There To Help Us, Not Hurt Us. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by joining with me today in letting go of the rope.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-4-14

"How one can live without 
being able to judge oneself, 
criticize what one has accomplished,
 and still, enjoy what one does, 
is unimaginable to me." 

 -- Anna Freud 

Well. . . I sure can! I cannot remember when judging myself ever helped me to become more, or better. I cannot remember when criticizing what I did or did not accomplish ever helped me to excel or grow, or love. I know this from many years of practice at trying to make those things work. They don't work on our behalf. They do; however, work to make us small, reduce our value, hide our love.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said it so much better and very succinctly when he said, "Correction does much, but encouragement does more."

Amen to that!

Carrot Or Stick? It IS Valuable To Know What You Don't Want Or Don't Want Anymore, Then Turn To Praise And Encouragement For What Was, What Is, And What May Come. 

Spread Some Joy Today--simply because it is your natural state when you allow it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-3-14

"I finally found the best state to live in.
It is the state of appreciation!"

-- Terry Minion

About four or five years ago, I started a five-subject notebook of Positive Aspects, recording things I have learned to appreciate, love, things I've learned and I did this in five areas. Then I lost the book. Today, I found it again, and it was fascinating to read some of the entries. So, I thought it might be fun to share just a few of them with you.

In the section titled, My Life, I made a list of things that I've learned or am learning. Here's a sampling:

  • I've expanded my capacity.
  • I've learned that it's okay to focus on what I want instead of what others want for me.
  • I can find joy every day.
  • It's OK to say NO.
  • It's OK to let go of things.
  • I am learning to be OK with me as I am.
  • I'm learning to share without the word should.

I had a list of notes of appreciation about my late wife, Nancy:

  • What attracted me to Nancy the evening we met, even before we actually met, is the same thing that attracts me today: Her eyes and her smile. When she smiles, it just lights up her face and she is adorable and beautiful and exciting.
  • Nancy is one of the most intelligent people I know. She has great ideas and can see a plan in detail.
  • Nancy is a very good conversationalist. I hear her on the phone with people, asking questions and getting them to talk. There is an art to doing that effectively.

It is great to make lists of appreciation about others, and it is equally, if not more important, to make lists of appreciation of things about ourselves. It's probably something we normally wouldn't do, but we must. So I started a list about myself:

  • I have the courage to try things; to step out and do. I decided to do a number of things and just did them. Some examples are that I decided that I could learn to write a song and did so, and have done so for a long time. I decided to learn to play guitar and bass, learn to fly an airplane, become a sales manager, write a book, own a business, go to Hawaii, learn to operate a computer, seek joy.
  • I love looking at how things are made, especially buildings. I have a large appreciation of architecture and design.
  • I love learning and I am open to learning from anyone that can teach me.
  • I love teaching what I know and what I want to know well. I think I am very good at this.
  • I love to write and speak my thoughts on paper. Writing the CTS Blog every day is a joy to me.
  • I love my hair.
  • I love being tall.
  • I love feeling so much younger than I am in years.
  • I think I have a great way of looking at things, especially globally.

You know, I think if you try this, you will also find your book of Positive Aspects to be a powerful tool in the expansion of your love and joy. Add to it daily and celebrate your life, your unique perspective, and the lives of those around you.

Move To The Best State: The State Of Appreciation!

Spread Some Joy Today--because you just can't help yourself. . .

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-2-14

"You are constantly invited
to be what you are."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yes, that may be true, and so often we may be so focused on what we are not yet.

This weekend, I took an online class from Anita Moorjani, who is the author of Dying To Be Me, which is easily one of the more powerful and interesting books I've ever read. Much of what she teaches is learning to just let go and be the real you rather than the 'adapted children', or 'critical parents' we have perhaps become. To her, it is all about unconditional love and especially practicing loving ourselves.

She had such an interesting question in lesson two. She said to ask ourselves this question in several ways: "If I loved myself, what would I be doing now?" She expands on that to ask, "If I loved myself, what would I be eating?, what kind of work would I be doing? Who would I be around?"

She says you have to start by accepting and loving yourself right where you are at this moment. She says, "this is who I am right now and it's okay. This is what I have right now, and it's okay." To make it even more emphatic, she says, "I love who I am right now!"

She said that some ask her what it means to love ourselves since we don't really have any training in that. We've often been brought up to focus on others and exclude ourselves. She gave her opinion of loving ourselves this way: "To love yourself means to value your life, feeling that your life has purpose, and trusting in the process by being grateful for everything that we have, all the people in our life, and everyone around us."

Sounds good to me. . .

"See The Gift Of Where You Are Right Now. Embrace Where You Are Right Now." -- Anita Moorjani

Spread Some Joy Today--by seeing your gift and sharing the gift of you.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Daily Inspiration 9-1-14

"Tact is the ability 
to describe others 
as they see themselves." 

-- Abraham Lincoln 

I think this is one of the most fascinating quotes I have ever read from tens of thousands I have reviewed over time. It comes from a master of brevity and an artful and skillful wordsmith.

The definition I found of tact is an adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues (often one in the same). It is often associated with diplomacy, thoughtfulness, consideration, discretion, and subtlety to name a few. That would have been my understanding as well; however, when it is phrased as it came from Abraham Lincoln, he sheds a whole other perspective of the use of tact.

Certainly to be tactful is to be courteous, concerned, understanding, diplomatic, thoughtful, discrete and subtle. Any one of them works as do they all, yet to describe others as they see themselves offers shading that is not normally associated. The light has changed.

What better way to be courteous, understanding, or thoughtful than to step into someone else's shoes, to attempt to see and feel from their unique perspective, as to be able to describe to them how they see themselves through that perspective?

It Is Empathy, Compassion, And Love In One Act. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by learning to allow.