Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daily Inspiration 6-2-11

Choice Week

"If someone throws you the ball,
you don't have to catch it."

-- Richard Carlson

Great advice and it puts things in an interesting perspective. If someone throws you the ball, you don't have to catch it; if the phone rings, you don't have to answer it; if the doorbell rings, you don't have to answer it; if someone wants you to argue with them, you can choose to ignore them. We make so many choices throughout our day that we don't even think of them as choices.

Sometimes we play against ourselves in procrastination, or our selective attention, but more often than not it is the prompting of others that has us running around feeling as if we have to do something for whatever the reason may be in order to be polite, respectful, efficient, or responsive.

It's interesting to watch what people do when the phone rings. It's as if there is some high authority causing them to respond into fast action. Want to try something different? Put it on buzzer and make a conscious decision to not answer it. Better yet, put it in airplane mode, and better yet, leave it at home for a time. See what it's like to not catch the ball and feel how empowering it is.

I wonder how many things we can do that with?

I Choose Not. . . Or Not. . .

Spread Some Joy Today--Who's in charge? YOU! Isn't that some serious joy?

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