Monday, June 13, 2011

Daily Inspiration 6-13-11

"All you need in this life is ignorance and
confidence, and then success is sure."

-- Mark Twain

A formidable combination, don't you think? You don't know that it can't be done, and yet have confidence that you can do it. It's magical.

Yesterday, I talked about secrets of success and how many there are and shared one of my top ten. This is also in my top ten, and I can assure you that may not believe it to be true, but the sentiment and advice in this quote by Mark Twain is spot on. I've used it numerous times to achieve results.

Sometimes, the best and most productive thing you can do is to tune out the rest of the world in pursuit of what you believe in or what you want. There are plenty who will gladly give advice in the form of warnings and what if's and a list of the logical reasons why something won't work or cannot succeed, and how much better it will be for you to wait until. . .and of course, there is a list there as well.

Friends and relatives and other well-meaning people have helped discourage a serious number of potential entrepreneurs. It is generally the ones who don't listen to that advice that are able to be successful by making great use of their ignorance and confidence together. It's the one, two punch!

I'm Happily Ignorant and Blissfully Confident!

Spread Some Joy Today--Tell someone you love them today. Here's a cool way that works for me: I say, "have I told you I love you lately?" It's magical.

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