Friday, July 20, 2012

Daily Inspiration 7-20-12

"If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind,
what is the significance of a clean desk?"

-- Laurence J Peter

I have to admit to a cluttered desk. Not because I don't like order and neatness, it is simply because I detest filing. I am organized. . . sort of. . . I have lots of files. Indeed, I have many filing cabinets with files. Client files, training material files, and hundreds of other files. I've also got a couple of those stand up file organizers on top my desk, along with a 5-tier horizontal shelf unit. I even have boxes of files and papers. I've got all kinds of organization.

Then, I have the stacking system. I have several stacks on my desk of papers, magazines I haven't had the time to look at and these stacks, though crisp and neatly stacked at one time, often have papers covering them up. Then I have a roll around file unit that I stick things on top of and then the stacks on top of the filing cabinet, and . . . well, you can imagine the picture. I am cluttered and I have a cluttered mind I guess.

It's not that I don't know how to be neat, but I don't know how, if that makes any sense. It does to me. I know how. I just don't do it.

I see people with nothing on their desk but a phone and a computer monitor and keyboard and I wonder what they do. What is going on in their brain? How can they tolerate such starkness? It seems like a sign of nothing going on. Maybe they carry around a big briefcase carrying their stacks from home to office to home again. Maybe that credenza is a holding area for clutter that is kept out of sight. Maybe they keep all their stack in another room. Who knows? It's so strange to me.

Then there are some people I know who know where everything is in an instant and go right to it in a file somewhere and there you have the answer to your quest. Me? I go through this stack first and that one second all the while hoping it is near. I've read that you should never touch the same paper twice. I don't. Twice is too small a number for me.

I've told my partners several times that when we make it big, the very first thing I am buying for myself is the full time services of a masterful personal assistant. Someone who has me so organized that I hardly recognize it as me. Someone who knows where everything is like some of my friends. And, especially someone who not only knows how to file, but what to file where. I can't wait. . .
Happy Desk Days Are Coming Soon. . . I Can Feel It In The Air. . . It's Gonna Happen!
Spread Some Joy Today--Take a 15 minute break sometime today and list 25 blessings in your life. Tomorrow, look at it again. You are blessed, aren't you!

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