Monday, July 2, 2012

Daily Inspiration 7-2-12

"The roots of all goodness lie in
the soil of appreciation for goodness."

-- Dalai Lama

Nothing is except the way we see it, and the way we see it is a choice that is made from an accumulation of experience and influence. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. How two intelligent people can look at the same exact thing at the same exact time and see two completely different scenes or realities is not only amazing, it is the stuff of life.

Where we sometimes (I say we, but I mean me) go astray on this is in the idea that another, or all others, should see everything as we see it. Now we really don't believe that in a general sense, yet we somehow believe it in a specific sense. That is, if we are looking at an unkept yard for example, many if not most may see a thing lacking beauty, or something ugly, but not all would see that. Some may very well see beauty, a natural environment versus a manipulated one, and more.

Do you think this has anything to do with, as the Dalai Lama says, appreciating the goodness and thereby creating the goodness? Also, is it possible to look at an unkept yard as previously ugly, but now somehow beautiful? Is it possible to see a kept and unkept as different without one being bad and the other being good and thereby appreciate them both?

I believe that it is and that it is the act of looking to appreciate that creates that to appreciate. One way I have found to achieve this is by relaxing my tendency to judge. Now certainly, I might prefer one to the other; however, this does not require that I judge one as good and the other as bad. The word and act of acceptance is a key ingredient.

There is a certain learning experience in opening to the idea of appreciation and what that can mean to us. I am learning more all the time, and I have learned that by practicing the activity of appreciation and the openness of potential acceptance of something I may or may not prefer, to be among the most beneficial endeavors of my life.
When We Look Without Judgement, We See A Different Reality Than Before. It Is As It Was And Is, But We Have Changed.
Spread Some Joy Today--by appreciating everyone around you today. Just for today.

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