Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Daily Inspiration 7-18-12

"If only God would give me some clear sign!
Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."

-- Woody Allen

I was looking at some quotes and two of them got my attention immediately. The first is the one above by Woody Allen, and the second is by Walt Disney, when he said, "people still think of me as a cartoonist, but the only thing I lift a pen or pencil for these days is to sign a contract, a check, or an autograph." It's just funny to me how seeing a quote causes me to think certain things. Sometimes they seem directly related and other times not, but they are always the inspiration for the thought.

So, the thoughts that came to me after reading these quotes were this:

About 7 years ago or so, I was waiting for the company I worked for to build a decent website that could be used as a tool. It wasn't happening. Then, I was wishing for someone to come along to get that job done for me--you know, save the day and make it so I didn't have to get involved and learn anything new that was obviously too hard for me to learn. Didn't happen.

After two years of wishing and hoping, I finally asked myself two of my favorite questions. 1. What am I really afraid of? and, 2. What is the worst thing that could happen? My answer was that I was afraid that I didn't know enough, that the Internet was scary and mysterious, and of course, the second answer was the typical, I might fail miserably, look foolish and waste my time and/or money. Based on the growing strong need to do something, the fact that no one was going to do it that I could see, I said, "screw it! I'm giving it a shot." So I did. I built my first website, Commercial Truck Success in late 2007 and now have a company that has put together a couple hundred sites.

The moral? Sometimes it takes a pile of frustration to create pressure to encourage us to make a decision and bust a move. Once we move, the log jam is broken, the pressure is released and a new horizon is before us. What a wonderful opportunity and can even be life changing as it was for me.

Maybe it's not clear how the quotes came to play out these thoughts, but the Woody Allen quote was me waiting around for someone to save the day, take care of me without any effort on my part. Doesn't seem to be the way God works, and it certainly wasn't happening that way for me.

The Walt Disney quote caused me to think about the distance between where that decision point was and where I am now and where I am going. Unlike Walt Disney at the time of him saying that, I still do some of the grunt work, but it is not work to me. But, I have gone from doing all the work to signing checks for people we found who do, and it is growing and growing from there. I can now FEEL how that feels and it is such fun and joy that I can hardly contain myself.
It IS and HAS BEEN Clearer And Clearer Signs! And, God IS Doing The Heaviest Work. Thank God!
Spread Some Joy Today--Turning frustration into fascination is how you have problems and joy in your life at the same time. It's only how you view them.

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