Making A Difference Week
"I choose to believe I can and will change
the world with my words and thoughts."
-- Rod Williams
Making a difference can be as strong or stronger in thoughts, words, and music. The quote above came from Rod Williams, a musician. Here is one of his songs: Beautiful Again.
I know that words, thoughts and music has changed my life in several ways. One, I became a songwriter, and musician sharing many of my own thoughts through music and word. I was greatly influenced by the music and words of others. At the very top of that list is Paul McCartney along with the McCartney/Lennon combination. Under that I have a long list of artists, songs, music that has touched me and moved me throughout my life and continues today with new artists.
The song is a unique thing in that this combination of music and lyric has much more power together than apart. It has the power to move us to action, the emotion, to joy, to sadness.
Of course writers have the power to make a difference in the written word. I can produce a very long list of written works that have made a dramatic difference in my life including The Bible, Dale Carnegie, Mark Twain, John D Martini, Stephen R Covey, Andrew Carnegie, John Grisham, Jerry & Esther Hicks, James Allen, and hundreds more. Each have contributed to who I am and I call that making a difference! They and others continue to this day to make a difference in me, who I am and what I do, all of which helps me make a difference in others.
"Thousands Of Candles Can Be Lighted From A Single Candle, And The Life Of The Candle Will Not Be Shortened. Happiness Never Decreases By Being Shared." -- Buddha
Spread Some Joy Today--How about sending Christmas cards in July? Sounds like fun!
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