Monday, December 5, 2011

Daily Inspiration 12-5-11

Making A Difference Week

"You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."

-- Kahlil Gibran

I believe that we all want to make a difference and that desire is a driving force. Often we may not know how or when we will make a difference, but I now believe that if we are being our truest self and relaxing in this, that we cannot help but make a difference.

Many years ago, a salesman that worked at a dealership I worked at called me out of the blue to tell me what a difference I had made in his life and how his life had changed for the better as a result. I didn't work directly with this man, and according to him, it was a few sentences of encouraging words I gave him at the perfect time.

With some people--probably people you are in direct contact with on a regular basis, it is easy to make a difference just by loving them, caring about them, and encouraging them. What was so interesting to me about this incident is how it opened my eyes to how we can be an encouraging spirit in ways we didn't realize, or that what we do and say can have far-reaching effects more than we might have imagined. Included in this is the fact that people may not ever call you up and say anything to you about what a difference you may have made, yet the deed is done anyway.

I don't mean to open this up to having a feeling of responsibility here. We can't really change people, only they can do that for themselves. I love how Benjamin Disraeli said this by saying, "the greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own." I think we all have the answers all the time within us, yet sometimes it takes something from an encounter with someone else to help them be revealed.

Now with the publication of these Daily Inspirations, I hear from total strangers how something has made a difference. I rejoice it that, and in the fact that I helped reveal it to themselves, as I rejoice in those who also have done and continue to do so for me. I am inspired and encouraged by so many, and even many who have long been dead, yet their words linger on to continue to inspire and encourage. How I am blessed that they chose to make a difference to others.

"My Life Is My Message." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Spread Some Joy Today--Encouragement is love. Help someone else see their true self.

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