Friday, August 12, 2011

Daily Inspiration 8-12-11

"Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being.
You're a perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because
you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that.
Unconditional self acceptance is the core of a peaceful mind."

-- St Francis de Sales

Probably most of us have had issues with self acceptance, and many of us probably struggled with this for the better part of a lifetime. It's not something we wear on our shirt sleeve, but it is there and it always holds us back from a more bountiful and fulfilling life.

The good news is that progress is helpful and meaningful. Confidence comes from more self acceptance, and the more we accept--or more aptly put, love ourselves, the more joy we will naturally have.

Never say never. It is never too late. I love the quote above: "Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being." We are "perfectly valuable, creative, [and] worthwhile simply because [we] exist." We don't have to do or be anything to qualify. We are. Even the triumphs won't change that. Even the tribulations won't change that.

This takes us back to the book discussed a few days ago, Love Is Letting Go Of Fear. That book is all about self acceptance and not seeing things based on other people's rules.

For some, it might be a good idea to write out this quote and carry it around for a month reading it many times each day.

The last thing I love about this quote is that "unconditional self acceptance is the core of a peaceful mind." To have confidence is to have peace. To love ourselves is to have peace. A peaceful mind is a powerful thing. It is surely a benevolent power, but a power nonetheless.

Peace Doesn't Come From Struggle, It Comes From Acceptance, Allowing, Releasing. Self Acceptance Is All Of That.

Spread Some Joy Today--Next time you get upset with someone or about something, try something new. Try relaxing those thoughts by pretending that you are holding a rope pulling hard against someone or something that is just as strong as you are. Now, just let go of the rope. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. If you feel tension, let go of the rope again. This will work wonders for your day.

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