Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Inspiration 10-9-12

"Put off anything you don't need for launch.
Build the necessities now, worry about the luxuries later.
If you really think about it,
there's a whole lot you don't need on day one."

-- Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson
from the book, Rework

As I was reading another very short 2 page chapter in the book, Rework, I loved the idea of this chapter title, Launch Now! or Get It Out There. It reminded me of a story I heard many years ago that I've never forgotten that goes along with this idea.
The story I heard many years ago was brilliant. It still is. They built an apartment complex with several buildings and they built the buildings and necessities, yet they purposely left out the walkways to and from the buildings and other areas such as laundry rooms. They wanted to see what the traffic patterns that people chose themselves. After several weeks, the patterns were obvious, and so they built the walkways accordingly. What an interesting way to do something.
If you think about it, there is no way that anything could actually be completely finished prior to launch, and even if that were possible, it would not be long before upgrades are needed, new features, or other adjustments. Nowadays they call those version 1, 2, 3, 4 5. They just launched the iPhone 5 and I'm sure it is quite different from the iPhone 1.
In our business, we began. We learned as we went. We got better. We changed the way we did things. We ended up changing our entire approach and business model, and began again anew. Since that renewed beginning, there have been several improvements and changes, adding features and benefits and more. I'm sure there will be many more to come in time.
I think it is a good approach to give it your best shot that you have at the moment and be ready to make changes and adjustments. Stick with flexibility and a willingness to change, while continuing to move forward. Yet the real key is to get it out there, or to get moving.

It Doesn't Go Anywhere Until You Ship It.

Spread Some Joy Today--Take it easy. Laugh a lot. Relax.

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