Friday, June 8, 2012

Daily Inspiration 6-8-12

"There are many challenges,
there are many obstacles;
let us try to change
the obstacles to advantages."

-- Harri Holkeri

Frustration and resultant anger are often a result of an unfulfilled expectation due to some kind of resistance. This resistance can be named an obstacle, road block, change in terms, and such. But it isn't resistance in the external, it is resistance in ourselves I think. I'll explain what I mean.

About ten years ago I was handed a short book called, Power To Praise by Merlin R Carothers. It was published in the late 1970's and he was famous back then for his Prison To Praise books helping inmates create entirely new attitudes about life. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. The premise is that God created everything, and we should praise God for everything. So rather than being upset, angry, depressed, we instead praise God and be thankful for the event, obstacle, circumstance, etc.

That's a lofty goal for the average human being, including my self. However, I was so intrigued by this whole concept that I began using it with amazing results in my outlook and attitude about events, especially those that seemed painful, unfair, haphazard, and more. The pleasing or happy events were easy to praise about, but the other ones which seemed to happen more often required courage, trust and a general releasing of my idea of control. Of course, you can probably relate that that last part of the sentence about letting go of control is the biggest challenge for humans in my experience.

So I began practicing this whole idea, and frankly, in looking back, I see what a dramatic impact this one book has had on my outlook and has helped me to respond rather than react and praise instead of complain. The key to that last sentence is practicing. I haven't yet perfected it; however, I am significantly closer than ever before.

Now if I react rather than respond, it doesn't last very long because I am reminded and aware of what I am doing. This allows me to as quickly as I can realize what is happening, turn my thinking around.

Anthony Robbins helped me here as well with some great questions to ask. One is, "what's right about this situation?" He says that if that's too big a leap, to soften it with, "if something could be right about this, what might it be?" This is the exact opposite of what we normally do by trying to find out what's wrong. He says to ask what is right. That's wonderfully close to praising.

So, to keep this short, when you find obstacles in your way, realize that it is not the situation but your reaction or interpretation of the event that is the real problem. Next, consider what is right about this situation, or what might be right about it. Next, if you can be so bold as to really and truly believe, praise God for this event and release your resistance and allow the blessing that comes in the event to be exposed and realized.

I guarantee this idea practiced will change your life as much as it has mine.
Some People Go Down The Roller Coaster With Both Hands And Arms Stretched Into The Air. Others Hold On For Dear Life. . .
Spread Some Joy Today--Relax in your awesome power to decide what to think.

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