Friday, June 15, 2012

Daily Inspiration 6-15-12

"Darn the wheel of the world!
Why must it continually turn over?
Where is the reverse gear?"

-- Jack London

OK. So, pretend there is a reverse gear. If you could go back in time, what would you change and how would you change it? Of course, it's only fair that you go back to the knowledge base you had then with no recollection of having been in the future.

So. . . let's see now. That being the case, it seems only reasonable and true that you would have made the same decisions in exactly the same way that you did before, for there would have been no reference point from which to cause a change.

It would only be with the wisdom that you've learned in living your life that could cause a change in the past. Something tells me that isn't going to happen except in a fantasy of your own doing.

Based on all of that, what point is looking backward? The only place to look at is today, this minute and what can be done right now. Anything else is a waste of valuable now time.
Dealing With Accumulated Intelligence Is All There Is To Deal With.
Spread Some Joy Today--Whomever it is that you've been meaning to call or write, today is the perfect day.

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