Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Daily Inspiration 6-6-12

"Self-motivation is the only motivation that works."

-- Albert K Strong

Perhaps you've heard phrases like these: "she's just not self-motivated," or "things would get better from him if he were only more self-motivated," and such. I used to say them myself and used to look at myself for my missing self-motivation.

I now think we have it all mixed up. I now believe that every person on the planet is self-motivated and none of it is missing. It has always been this way and always will be this way. We are all self-motivated.

What people mean with the phrases quoted above has nothing to do with self-motivation, what they mean is discipline. She may not be disciplined to do the thing you think she should do in the time frame and manner that you think it should be done. He is perhaps without the discipline to create a better life as you think he should conform or respond to.

You can see by this that those comments about self-motivation are judgements and opinion based on the mindset of the observer.

Having been a sales manager for over 40 years, I know from my personal experience that everyone is self-motivated and that most of those that I worked with, if not all, could do better if they chose to do so, and of course, this decision and the discipline to see it through is 100% their responsibility. I can do nothing but encourage.

Growing up in sales and sales management, I've seen a lot of managers who try to motivate people. Many chose to prod, cajole, harass, and even make fun of people to try to achieve that objective. I don't know what they were thinking, but I've never seen that be beneficial to any organization.

There is only one way in my mind to assist a positive change and that is through praise and encouragement. Since all motivation is self directed, it will never be up to the manager to "make" anything happen. At best, he or she can only encourage and allow. The rest and all is up to the person doing the job. Will they respond with creative energy, or will they choose otherwise?

Likewise my own path. I can only be self-motivated. The question might be what am I motivated to do or not do? That is all up to me; however, just as my sales people were when I was doing that, I respond favorable to encouragement, upliftment, praise, love, thoughtfulness, caring, and even gifts.
How About You? Anyone Encouraging Your Self-Motivation?
Spread Some Joy Today--Remember this lyric: where never is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day. Doesn't that sound pleasant--especially the lack of discouraging words. Be that for others.

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