there is not a day that goes by that I am not learning something, although I
have to admit that some days I'm not paying too much attention. Yesterday, I was
paying attention.
heard any of these phrases? Might is Right. There is only one truth. It's my way
or the highway. Those idiots don't have a clue what they're doing. If they would
just open their eyes, they could see the way. They need to get their head out of
their . . . There are only two ways to do a thing: the right way and the wrong
way. There's only one reality.
something became very clear to me. It is something that I've intellectually
accepted and expressed, but it obviously wasn't fully embraced and that is that
there are as many truths is the world as there are people to think them. The way
I normally express that is that there is your way, my way and their way, but
there is no Way.
easy to become a fanatic in our enthusiasm and belief in our own truth. There
are millions of books expressing the right and wrong ways; and of course,
the wrong way is everyone else's way. I've done it a good part of my life, or
rather joined the group or groups who are the right way, along with one or two
that were the Way. But, there was always something sticking in my craw even
though I was expressing my enthusiasm to others about my truth.
I accept as a fact that there is no Way, yet there are infinite ways, I feel
love blossoming and I also feel that I want it to expand, yet my ego wants to
control things and prevail. It always did in the past, but it is now less every
day because I am aware of its shenanigans. The truth is that the ego never
really has control unless we allow it.
we be passionate about something we feel strongly about or believe, and still
allow what might appear to be opposing viewpoints? The key word there is
'allow.' That is not that hard, but here is a more substantial point of view:
Can we be passionate about something we feel strongly about or believe, and
EMBRACE what might appear to be opposing viewpoints? That's the same thing as
saying that I want what you want for yourself while I want what I want for
myself, and all is as it is.
brings me to my favorite quote of all time on love from Wayne Dyer: "love is the
ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose
for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you." We could
substitute be what they choose, to believe what they choose, think what they
choose, do what they choose.
yesterday, I saw so clearly that I can be passionate and yet open minded; I can
be enthusiastic and allowing; I can state what I think and feel while not
needing them to think or feel the same thing. It was an ah-ha moment where
something goes from believing a concept to accepting it in your
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