Sunday, May 6, 2012

Daily Inspiration 5-6-12

"Our doubts are traitors
and make us lose
the good we oft might win
by fearing to attempt."

-- William Shakespeare

Whatever comes after, "I'm afraid. . ." is holding us back. These fears are often expressed as part of common conversation or in talking about our business, work, the economy, the family, home, and a thousand other things. Get rid of it. Stop using that beginning and stop talking about what you're afraid of.

I was talking with a business owner today and he was saying he was fearful of this, afraid that wasn't going to work out, fearful of the unknown future, and much more. Then I found out his business was down significantly. I said that I had two solutions. The first was to stop worrying, talking about and emphasizing your fears. You are living in fear and are anchored to the ground as a result. The second was to try a better approach to making sales and I had a lot to offer there.

Our own fears are insidious enough, but to have our customers, friends, associates and others talking negatively about the world, the economy, what is and isn't made in the USA anymore, and ten thousand other complaints, adds to the general negativity in our fearful life. Then, to make this a compound fracture, we agree with them, and discuss it at length adding our own stories, thoughts and complaints.

Some may say it is just conversation. Jim Rohn covers that well with this thought: "Some people you can afford to spend a few minutes with, but not a few hours." Then he says, "Get around people who have something of value to share with you. Their impact will continue to have a significant effect on your life long after they have departed."

The seemingly innocent things we say to each other matters more than we think. Facebook has a great deal of value, but complaining with each other is not one of them. Always fighting against things is not one of them. There is so much positive energy and experience in the world, but when you're complaining all the time, you cannot see it.

Think of it as if you're in a rowboat in a flowing river. As you row and row and row upstream fighting the current and struggling as best you can, all you can see and feel is stress and work and pain. Yet all it takes to change that pattern is to stop rowing. Let it go. When someone is complaining, stop agreeing with them. Do not extend their conversation, customer or not. Be polite, sure, but don't encourage them either. It isn't beneficial for you and it isn't beneficial to them. Just let go of the oars.

It is the same with fear. Stop rowing, fighting the fears, worrying about the future, concerned about circumstances. Just stop rowing and let it go. And, even though you've probably developed a strong habitual pattern of rowing upstream. Each time you notice that you're doing it again, just stop rowing and relax.

Everything will work out just fine. Seriously. It will.
Rest, Rest, Rest Your Oars, Floating Down The Stream, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, My Life Is All Downstream. . .
Spread Some Joy Today--Take deep breaths today and relax often. Zero stress. . .

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