Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Inspiration 5-21-12

"Man was created as a being who should
constantly keep improving, a being who on
reaching one goal sets a higher one."

-- Ralph Ransom

Since I used to teach goal setting in business, I had one understanding of the quote like this one of Ralph Ransom's, and now I have a different view. Today, I don't think I would use the word 'higher,' but substitute the word 'different' instead. Today, I would also change one other word. I would change the word 'improving' to 'changing.' Then, one last little change. take our 'was created as a being who should,' and substitute 'is a powerful creator who will.' So here's how my version of the quote would go the way I understand it now:

Man is a powerful creator who will constantly keep changing, who on reaching one goal and enjoying it fully, delightfully sets different one--just because he is a creator, and creators create!

After teaching it for so long, I began to think something was wrong with constantly striving for the higher and greater and more. I thought, at what point is there satisfaction or contentment? I thought, how can the bar keep going up and up? Doesn't it have to adjust differently sometimes? If you are forecasting sales for your boss, you never want to turn in a downward estimate. It's unheard of. Or, at least that's the way it seemed so often. More, more more. When is enough enough?

In my new understanding I see us as creators that are constantly changing, trying, doing, seeking. Now, if that's all we did, I would have a problem with it, but I do believe that we can be accepting and loving of where we are as we move to another place. And, if it is done in such a way that we are not chasing happiness or expecting those kind of results when we get there, it all works perfectly.

In the past, I never really accepted where I was. It was always where I happened to be that I wasn't very pleased with in pursuit of what would create more happiness, fulfillment and comfort. Now, I'm coming to terms with how important it really is to be present and grateful and appreciative of where ever I may be in pursuit of whatever I think I might like next, realizing that my happiness, comfort and joy are in the moment with me where I am NOW.

At first it seemed like such a subtle difference in the way of looking at goals, but I know it to be a very great difference today.

Creators Create! It's A Wonderful Thing. . .
Spread Some Joy Today--Create some love and spread it around.

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