Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Daily Inspiration 11-21-12

"If you don't know how it works, find out.
If you're not sure if it will work, try it.
If it doesn't makes sense,
play with it until it does.
If it's not broken, break it.
If it might not be true, find out."

-- Seth Godin

Seth Godin Week

This week I will explore his marketing
and business wisdom

I think this quote speaks about the vast majority of my life. It seems that I've always learned things this way. I wanted to learn how to play guitar. I tried this and that and bought one thin book, and didn't even take a lesson until about 15 years later, and then only to learn figerstyle playing.

I wanted to learn about songwriting, so I just jumped in and started messing around with it and then at one point created a songwriting class and taught it. I wanted to learn about music recording, so I jumped in and bought a little recorder and played around with it for hours. I bought better units and ended up with about 8,000 hours of recording experience and owned a recording studio.

I wanted to learn how to sell, so I took a job selling. I wanted to learn how to be a sales manager and it became me. As I look back, having just read this quote, it is funny how without any formal training, classes or tutoring, I was able to do these things and even excel at one or two. I never really thought about it this way before, but I think I just like figuring things out.

My latest gig is Internet marketing and what I've learned would fill a few books. Again, I created a business doing it with only an idea and desire and almost no knowledge. Now I can teach it, and we do.

Some people are really stuck on the institutional idea of learning. They want to go to a class to learn how to do something before they are willing to do it. I never had that much patience. Some people even think you have to have a degree in something to make it real and valuable and important. It's not an idea that ever caught my attention. Having someone else give me a piece of paper that says I'm now qualified never appealed to me. Although, had I the parents with the money for me to go off to college for a bunch of years might have been interesting, but for the learning?. . . it's not necessary.

I really like what has become the Nike slogan: Just Do It!

Works For Me! And, A Few Others I Know. . .
Spread Some Joy Today--Realizing that everything is a choice is a very powerful place to arrive at. Realizing this, choose joy. Others will follow.

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