Saturday, November 17, 2012

Daily Inspiration 11-17-12

"Change always comes bearing gifts
-- Price Pritchett

I love it when people say something so smart and so deep and profound and only use a few words to express it, as in the case above with Price Pritchett where he uses only five words.

His quote instantly made me consider quite a number of changes in my own life and that of the world around me as I have seen it, and in just a matter of a moment, I was completely agreeing with him. Of all the scenarios that I can think of, change has always come bearing gifts, and it didn't matter how good or how bad I thought it was at the time. As soon as I could get to a place where I might look down on the change from a larger point of view, it not only came bearing gifts, but came in perfection.

It seems to be only ourselves that prevent us from seeing this by holding on to something in the past. Think of that as if we were chaining ourselves to a post. We just can't get away from it. It becomes such a part of us holding ourselves from moving on, growing, and experiencing the new.

Some even fear change so much, yet it could be something to get truly excited about once we realize as the quote indicates, that change always comes bearing gifts.    
Maybe It's Time To Embrace And Accept The Gifts!
Spread Some Joy Today--Give the gift of your own joy. There are plenty who want and need it. You are the perfect person to give that gift to them.

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