Friday, November 16, 2012

Daily Inspiration 11-16-12

"Study the art of taking a lemon
and making lemonade."

-- Albert K Strong    


In my business we are exposed to a wide variety of small and medium sized businesses. I have found a number of business owners and managers who are stuck in a thinking pattern that has them constantly looking at problems with little or no hope of successfully overcoming them. The reason there isn't much hope is that the problems are "industry-wide," or it is the local, city, regional, state, or national economy, and more. All of these are much larger than the business owner, so the odds are overwhelming. This makes for a good excuse that almost everyone will accept as real, or reality. After all, what's a small business to do in the face of such odds?

I said almost everyone, because I don't accept it as real, or even seriously legitimate. I say, there's always a way. And there is if people are willing to step outside of their own thinking and situation for a short spell and take a look from a refreshed and different perspective.

I'll quote a piece from John Mayer's famous song: "Now we see everything that's going wrong with the world and those who lead it. We just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it, so we keep waiting. . . waiting on the world to change." Of course, all you have to wait is a nanosecond and it is changed. The reality is that it is constantly changing, but somehow we want to stand still and have the world change for us.

Getting outside your routine for a bit and looking in on your business instead of being inside looking out is a requirement to see things differently. There is such an advantage to this. Hiring a consultant to do this for you can be even more beneficial. Fresh eyes and attitude can make a world of difference.

It surprises me how many people I find in business who are negative about their business and/or industry. It surprises me that they stay in business. I'm asking why? If it is that bad, why do you remain? Only you can choose. But, I do get it. We are around a thing long enough and some things rub off and become part of who we are at the moment.

So, here's the deal: Wake up! Get a new perspective. See if there is a better way, a more profitable way, get some excitement going again. This may require jumping out of your routine, hiring someone from the outside, going off to a retreat with your team as examples. Whatever it is, get into it and on with it! Life is way too short to not like what you're doing, or who you've become. Shut off the outside negative influences such as the news, newspapers, talk radio and such. Avoid those negative friends for a while. Get a new lease on your life and your business and watch what happens!     

I Predict You Will Be AMAZED At The Possibilities!
Spread Some Joy Today--Be bold enough to be a friend. Lead by example.

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