Monday, October 26, 2009

Daily Inspiration 10-26-09

"Hide not your talents, they for use were made.
What's a sun dial in the shade?"

- Benjamin Franklin

Everyone has one or more talents. I think we all have several talents and Benjamin Franklin says they should be out and being made of good use. He should know since he was a multi-talented super star.

Sometimes people's talents are beneath the surface and other people can help bring them out. I know in my life, that I have had some people nurture a talent in me through the sincere use of encouragement and praise. It is just amazing what that can do for someone who is feeling unsure of him or herself. I became a much improved and confident songwriter and musician from such encouragement and I am forever grateful for their help and support. It made a huge difference in my life.

Other talents that I have, I work (such a harsh word. . . it's not really work, you know) at expanding and finding outlets for. One is writing. I love thinking on paper and sharing insights and thoughts with others--especially, if I can be of encouragement to them.

Some talents require a major commitment, but may still be of quite good value. I've been in sales since 1972 and early on, I worked very hard at learning the trade. I continue to study it so many years later, and it continues to serve me well.

So, what are your talents? What are some of the ones you keep behind closed doors? Are you a rock band super star? I went to a concert a few nights ago put on by the Solano Winds Community Concert Band. It was very enjoyable. What I enjoyed the most was realizing that all these people have day jobs. Some are bookkeepers, insurance salesmen, clerks, business owners, repair technicians, and many, many other job descriptions. Yet, here they are, doing something they love and have a passion for--and yes, made a commitment to--outside of their normal day to day life. Bravo! I praise them all for their willingness to expand and touch others in the process.

Time to dust off your hidden passions? Benjamin Franklin is encouraging you. I'm encouraging you! Let's dust it off and ROCK OUT!!

You Really Are Multi-Talented! You Know It's True!

Spread Some Joy Today--On purpose--and with feeling!

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