Saturday, April 3, 2010

Daily Inspiration 4-3-10

"A talent is a combination of something you love a great deal, something you can lose yourself in--something that you can start at 9 in the morning, look up from your work and it's 10 o'clock at night--and something you have a natural ability to do very well."

-- George Lucas

"Get excited and enthusiastic about your own dream.
This excitement is like a forest fire--you can smell it,
taste it, and see it from a mile away."

-- Denis Waitley

The people I look up to and really admire are those who have realized what their talents are and are making use of them. They are following their dreams, excited about life, look forward to what will come next and are generally some of the nicest people I have ever met. It seems like all that just goes together.

Many of us left dreams behind to focus on making a living and doing things that others expected of us. We accepted the logic and history pretty much without question. After all, it is what people do and fitting into the world is important, or so it seems.

I know it's not logical--it's more emotional, I suppose--but, I want to encourage people to find their talents and go follow them. That doesn't have to be done all in one episode like quitting your job and leaving the country, but one can learn their talents, build on their talents, make use of their talents in many ways. Making a living financially from them is only one of the ways. Perhaps you will set a goal to do that at some point. Others can do it on the side as a way of giving to others and being of service, while growing an becoming all that you are intended to be.

So there. Get excited and enthusiastic about your own dreams. Find a way to express them. You could write a book. You could volunteer your talents to those that would benefit most from them. You could partner with others. You could start a business. You could become the artist you've always dreamed of. You could be a big brother to someone, or a big sister, or just a very good friend. You could be a rock star at night and teacher by day or visa versa. And, of course, you could also live your dream and have that be your income source too.

Here's what I highly recommend. Don't worry about how. That's not really your job. Your job is the decisions and what. Then, get started. Baby steps, big steps, just make sure they are steps. Focus on expressing your talent and be totally open to opportunity and inspiration. They will both come, sometimes independently, and sometimes together. You will be amazed at how well that will work for you.

Go for it. Be all you can be. Express your talents. You are creative and special. We all are. Live your dreams. You can do it. You will love yourself for it.

I Have My Dreams And Express My Talents. Life Is Good And Getting Better Every Day.

Spread Some Joy Today--Okay. Research time. Make a list of everything that you love to do; that fires your rocket; excites your passions. Start the list: I love. . . and just fill it in as fast as you can for 5 minutes. Then look at it. Your talents are there. Make some decisions and get moving. You won't regret it.

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