Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daily Inspiration 4-28-10

The Best Is Yet To Come
Optimism Week

"Being an optimist after you've got everything you want doesn't count."

-- Kin Hubbard

I suppose that a better way to say it than Kin Hubbard's quote is, waiting to be optimistic until you have what you want is an oxymoron. Optimism, as with hope and vision and belief is all about the journey. Of course, once you really accept that idea and massage it a bit, it morphs into the concept that there really is no destination, there is only the journey and that the journey is always continuous and all we can do it slightly modify the direction of travel. Whew! That was heavy.

Heavy or not, I do believe that concept now. There is no place to arrive, for though a goal is a thing we strive toward, once we come to that place, it will have moved. Hence, enjoying the journey takes on a whole new meaning. It means enjoying life every moment in pursuit of what we think we want. The pursuit is valuable, and the enjoyment is valuable. The pursuit is movement, and there will always be movement for everything is moving somewhere. So we are all in pursuit. We are not all in enjoyment, and that is something that we all have 100% choice in.

Here's the key: enjoying the journey is an optimist. Not enjoying the journey is a pessimist. That's the only real difference. It doesn't matter what you have or what you don't have. It's not about the destination, but the journey.

Working a job you hate just so you can keep the balls in the air? That's a pessimist in action. All you have to do is listen to them for a while. Finding a job you love in order to enjoy your journey? That's an optimist. They say very different things.

How's your journey?

Optimism Is Enjoying The Journey. Period.

Spread Some Joy Today--Begin enjoying your journey today. Look across the road and see the trees swaying in the wind. Find some things to get excited about. Pull out your wallet and look on the photo of someone you love. Let the unimportant stuff all around you fall on the floor without any effort to catch it.

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