Saturday, April 17, 2010

Daily Inspiration 4-17-10

Opportunity Week

"I had the opportunity to be around my kids a lot. I guess I could have kept working, but I had them when I was 47. You only get to see all this stuff once. I just chose to work at home and watch them."

-- Bob Seger

"The greatest power that a person possesses is the power to choose."

-- J Martin Kohe

"You can do what you want to do. You can be what you want to be."

-- R David Thomas

More than ever in history, you have the power to do what you want, and so many choose something else. With all the influences all around, it is so easy to live your life to someone else's idea of success, or what would be a good life. Too many times, that is focused on money and things.

Don't get me wrong, money and things can be pretty nice and help make one comfortable, but they are not the holy grail. Bob Seger decided to travel less, make less money and stay at home to watch his kids grow up. That's what he wanted, and it made him feel good. And, that is success--for him.

People must define their own success and opportunities help them do that. Of course, so do problems, but the outcome is what matters. Does it feel good and right? Or, does it feel otherwise? That will always answer the question.

I Have Way More Power Than I Think I Do.

Spread Some Joy Today--This is the only life you have at the moment. Why would you want to do a lot of stuff you don't want to do? Live the way you don't want to live? You wouldn't. You don't. Right? So choose. Start small, work up to the really cool things. You'll know when it feels good and right. Don't like your job? Find another one now. Don't waste another day. You have so much more power than you think.

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