Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daily Inspiration 2-24-10

"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

-- Albert Einstein

This is such a powerful quote by Albert Einstein. So succinct and so nicely done.

To me this speaks of gratitude. No. It's much more than gratitude. Gratitude is the beginning of believing in miracles. It is awe!

When I began to be a truly grateful person about seven years ago, my path since has been so interesting. I find myself in awe a good deal of the time, just being amazed and enthralled with scenes I witness, people I interact with and circumstances that sometimes even take my breath away. My favorite word has become the word awesome, and I express feeling that daily.

At night just before I go to sleep, I thank the Lord (you can use Universe, All That Is, or whatever word or phrase you like of the thing that is not you and seems to be in control of the creation of all things. . .) for an awesome day and then I itemize a few things. Depending on how tired I am, I might itemize as long a list as I can think of. In the morning when I first awake, I begin thanking the Universe for the comfortable bed I just slept in and anything else I can find that I might commonly take for granted that I would appreciate if I weren't taking it for granted.

Of course, that is an awesome way to look at it, don't you think? When I take things for granted, because I see them every day or they are just commonplace, I am not grateful. When I am purposely grateful for the commonplace, I no longer take them for granted. Interesting.

Being grateful for those things that I might take for granted is living my life as if everything were a miracle. How awesome is that?

My Gratitude Increases My Awareness Of Miracles!

Spread Some Joy Today--I'll bet if you tried today, you could find several hundred things to be grateful for. So try. Make a list. Practice makes perfect!

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