Sunday, September 9, 2012

Daily Inspiration 9-9-12

"A man who is a master of patience
is master of everything."

-- George Savile

Consider this equation that popped into my head today: Awareness + Adversity = Breakthrough.

I've talked several times of late about my desire to and practice in becoming a much more patient person. It is working so well that I get these 'ah-ha' moments realizing that I am actually exercising considerable, if not extreme patience in a normally stressful or irritating situation. Tonight there were more than one and it is so interesting to become aware that I am aware of seeing myself being more and more patient.

It also struck me tonight that adversity plays a major role in the process. Without adversity, there would be no need to learn, nothing to change, overcome, or make peace with. So, based on that, once we become aware, we may feel the desire to change or to feel better. Then we will be making changes in our thought process to respond to the adversity rather than to react to it. Without awareness, we would just keep repeating the same old reactionary patterns from the past, or as Einstein said how we think the same thoughts and hope for things to change which was his definition of insanity.

Consequently, I began to actually get excited about the idea of adversity being in the mix and playing a part in my growth to the point of having gratitude for it being there. Again, without the adverse situation, it would not be possible to change, nor would there be a need to.
Breakthrough of course, is that "ah-ha" moment. It is the realization that we have come through and are actually doing that which we hoped to achieve, which is to purposely and consciously be patient with life as it unfolds which can be the most natural a response.

So, to put it together, as I become more aware and meet adverse or irritating situations, or things, I have the opportunity to practice my patience, and in so doing achieve breakthroughs that strengthen, encourage, and excite me to continue to grow into more patience. Because I really do believe that he who is a master of patience is a master of everything else.

Bring It! I'm Eager For The Practice! And, So Enjoying The Change...

Spread Some Joy Today--What upsets you? How can you soothe that?

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