Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Daily Inspiration 9-19-12

"No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a
bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire
a fig, I answer you that there must be time.
Let if first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen."

-- Epictetus

You know we live in an impatient world--well, certainly in America. We are so used to going to the grocery store and buying oranges any time, along with tens of thousands of items right at our fingertips ready to drop into the cart. When the season for oranges is done here, it is a new season in another part of the world and we ship back and forth keeping the stocks filled as much as is possible.
When we are creating something anew, this learned impatience is a roadblock sometimes.
If we wanted to grow our own oranges, we would need seed, or a partially grown tree, planted and cared for, often for much time before the fruit is even available, let alone developed and ready to pick. In the early stages this may take more than a season and in many cases several seasons. There must be a commitment to the task and a belief in its successful fruition, and a steadfast patience while caring for the project. In addition to that, there is the weather to contend with, which changes fortunes in the agricultural industry on a fairly regular basis.
This is true with oranges, nuts, sheep, cows, or fill in the blank. It is also true with many projects that we might take on in our business life or our personal lives.
Take for example, starting a business. It doesn't just materialize out of thin air, but requires thought, action, more thought, more action, change, and more change, and hopefully if it is well cared for and the belief is strong, it may come to thrive. Even then, according to statistics, only a small percentage of new businesses even make it five years. There may be a certain weather pattern there too.
There is more to it than meets the eye. It is less the idea that is the value, and more the persistence and commitment. Even a grand idea must have those two qualities in order to succeed at being grand.
Whatever we decide to do, and we know that decisions are so important, we need to commit to its success if we believe in it. This may require spanning a drought here and there, and keeping our eyes fixed on the goal. We may experience storms, but know that they are the calluses that help us get the work done. But, mostly, and more than we might think, we need to believe in the project continuously, believe in our own ability, and we need patience to allow the process to come to completion.
All Good Things Take Time, Belief And Patience.
Spread Some Joy Today--Pretend like you're having the time of your life today.

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