Friday, September 21, 2012

Daily Inspiration 9-21-12

"As I grow older,
I pay less attention to what men say.
I just watch what they do."

-- Andrew Carnegie

Of all of the leaders in business I've studied or read, Andrew Carnegie tops the list. There are numerous reasons I feel that way, and the above quote is one of them. I've used this quote several times. It is a favorite of mine. It is a favorite for two reasons: One, I have learned to do the same thing with others, and two, it inspires me to be a person who does instead of just talking about what I'm going to do or what I have already done.
Another reason he inspires me is that he was relatively poor, came to the United States as a boy and did so well for himself that he was one of the richest men in the world, then took that wealth in the latter part of his life and gave most of it away to great causes.
Another reason is that he is the person who inspired and encouraged Napoleon Hill to study success and to write about it in what became one of the most published books on the planet still today, Think and Grow Rich.
He was a doer and a leader of men and industry.
His inspiration is a reminder for me to shut up and get on with it. You know the drill. . . I'm going to write a book someday, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that, Wouldn't it be great if I. . . and so on. I can just picture Andy sitting in his chair with his cigar watching and smiling to see what I'm going to actually begin doing and then follow through and complete. His statement is a powerful reminder to me.
I also hear many others saying what they are going to do and I say, 'wonderful!' or some other encouragement, then I wait and see what happens.
If All The Things That Were Going To Be Done Actually Got Done, The World Would Be A Very Different Place.
Spread Some Joy Today--do something!

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