Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Inspiration 1-27-11

"The soil says, "Don't bring me your need,
bring me your seed.""

-- Jim Rohn

"God has the tough end of the deal.
What if instead of planting the seed,
you had to make the tree?
That would keep you up late at night,
trying to figure that one out."

-- Jim Rohn

One thing that has become extremely clear to me about life is that it is not need that drives, it is desire--and even more than desire, it is expectation, which is the foregone conclusion of desire.

I love how Jim Rohn puts it about the soil not caring at all about the need, yet is ready, willing, and able to deal with the seed. Indeed, the second quote about God having the tough end of the deal (as if anything is tough for God. . .) puts our physical abilities in perspective by asking us to make the tree. All we know is the seed that becomes the tree, but we don't have anything to do except plant it. The rest is not our domain.

I've shared this before, but I have a sign I printed out on my wall so that I can see it every day that says: "What is MY job! How is GOD'S job!" I need to remind myself very often that I control desire and what I want to do or have or be, yet I DO NOT need to know how to do that. Exactly like the tree and the seed. I plant the seed, which is my job, but the building of the tree is not my job.

I've recognized many times in my life past where I have tried to help build the tree. I get in there and try to change circumstances and events to speed the process along, or to make it better somehow. It becomes clear in a relatively short time how poorly I am equipped and skilled to get that job done. I somehow think that it is my actions that will reap all the results when it is much more me aligning with my desire and focusing there, especially the end result as if it were already done, not knowing a thing about how, or needing to know. The more I stick to my job, the better things turn out.

To The Power That Builds Galaxies, My Desires Are Mere Child's Play. Better In Those Hands Than Mine.

Spread Some Joy Today--let go of as much of the struggle as you can. It won't help. Relax and concentrate on planting and enjoying the sunset, the breeze, and the wonderful shade of the tree.

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