Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daily Inspiration 1-25-11

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news.
The good news is that you don't know how great you
can be! How much you can love! What you can
accomplish! And what your potential is!"

-- Anne Frank

"If we did all the things we are capable of doing,
we would literally astound ourselves."

-- Thomas A Edison

The other night I watched an older VHS that I had in my eBay store called Calle 54. It is a documentary from 2000 showing Latin Jazz players and groups from all over the globe. It is nothing short of amazing to watch these players play their instruments. It is especially interesting as a musician myself to watch people who really know how to play do something that seems so far away from what I do that it is as if I don't play at all. I am in awe watching them, and in joy as well.

It made me think a bit about the question of how good can we get at something. The right answer is probably, who knows? Limits are always being expanded--and indeed, it seems that they are meant to be expanded.

This one aspect I think I've figured out about this, and that is that it is not desire that can achieve these levels as much as a love of doing a thing. It is beyond desire, and in the holy realm of passion!

Perfection Is An Elusive Thing, Though Many People Do Flirt With It Regularly.

Spread Some Joy Today--watching someone else sharing their passion is very satisfying and encouraging.

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