Friday, August 27, 2010

Daily Inspiration 8-27-10

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."

-- Lao Tzu

Today was a perfect day. Walked several miles and the weather was so perfect, about 80 degrees with a breeze, beautiful scenery and throughout the walk, I'm giving praise for this day and all the beauty and how perfect the weather is and a long list of grateful thoughts.

Today, our design partner and I had a meeting with a client and then we had lunch and I thought how cool this is and how lucky I am to have people around me that are so talented. We discussed a new person who just came on board and was looking at his first project and I was blown away by it. Yet another very talented and skilled person on our team. And then, we have a new person handling another aspect of our business who brings so much value to our team.

So, today during the walk this evening, I'm giving thanks for these special people, and it kind of hit me that I didn't have much to do with finding them. They sort of came to me through my partner and through our main graphic designer. I thought: how interesting! You could say the law of attraction was in full function and I wouldn't disagree with that, yet I thought that it was so cool that they came to us and how was interesting too. I can't wait to see more of this unfold!

Then, sitting down to write this Daily Inspiration, I see this quote by Lao Tzu, and I think, how true. It applies to me personally, but also professionally. When I am willing to not have to be in charge, and allow others to bring their skills, connections, talents to the mix, wonderful things happen. And, you know what? I'm at least as joyous, maybe even more so that these discoveries came from others. It's perfect.

It reminds me of this quote from The Boss, Harry Truman:

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."

It's very similar to getting out of the way.

Expect Good Things To Happen And Allow Others To Help Bring Them To You!

Spread Some Joy Today--Let go and let others serve you from time to time. Many of us are relunctant to let go and let them, but it is so cool to do so. Try it.

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