Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daily Inspiration 5-11-10

"For my own personal growth I had to set out on my own."

-- Frank Press

"All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward."

-- Ellen Glasgow

I lived at home through high school and junior college and then joined the Air Force at age 21 and left home for good. From the point of leaving, I decided that no matter what, I was not coming back. Believe me that there were some times when it was very hard not to go back home, but in my mind, going back home was failing and I was determined to succeed. And, of course, I did.

Isn't it amazing what a strong decision and firm commitment will do for a person? Isn't it also amazing what we will allow ourselves to do without them?

Now, after working for other people for 40 years, I've gone out on my own. It is interesting that I have made the same exact decision and commitment. Believe me, it would have been so much easier many times to go back and pick up where I left off, but 'for my own personal growth, I had to set out on my own.' And, as with that early decision, I am determined to succeed and celebrate even the most minor of successes in that growth. It is indeed growth on several fronts and although it isn't for the faint of heart, it is worth it through all the possible tribulations because of that growth. It is also the growth that says that even if I did go back, it could never be what it was, for I have crossed over to another plane.


What's your growth story?

Growth Is The Joy Of Life. It IS Life!

Spread Some Joy Today--Pay attention to the decisions that allow you to grow, or stifle your growth.

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