Monday, May 10, 2010

Daily Inspiration 5-10-10

"Growth is the only evidence of life."

-- John Henry Newman

"You have to be willing to grow.
Growth is different from something that happens to you:
You produce it. You live it."

-- Bruce Mau

Sometimes growth is fairly obvious. The new parts stand out and indicate growth is happening before your eyes, or has taken place. When we grow, this is what some people see in us, and others are color blind.

Sometimes growth is less obvious. It is more a filling in; an expansion. It's sort of like being a parent and not noticing a child's physical growth so much unless their clothes are too small, whereas, when out of town relatives visit, they see nothing but change. It's still growth isn't it? More subtle, but no less growth.

Sometimes growth is so enthusiastic, full of joy, and so expansive that it is impossible to ignore. You see someone and you say, 'what happened to you? You're not even the same person anymore!' Or, they say it to you. It is growth that blossoms so fully, that everyone notices the change and they are drawn to you. How nice. . .

Everyone is different, yet in growth (assuming we are living. . .), we are all the same: expanding, becoming more, learning, growing physically, intellectually, spiritually, and all the other ways we grow in life. Each is beautiful and awesome and wonderful. None is superior except in the viewers thinking. All are varied expressions of the same energy.

We too are all varied expressions of the same energy.

Celebrate your expression everyday.

Celebrate Your Unique Expression Of Life!

Spread Some Joy Today--Growth is natural and is life. More growth equals more life. You are automatically spreading joy simply by growing. Growth is joy!

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