Monday, August 6, 2012

Daily Inspiration 8-6-12

"Success is a choice,
and so is lack of success!
And the universe or nature
doesn't care which one you experience;
it will give you either one."

-- Vincent Roazzi

While I had the book I mentioned in yesterday's message still out, I looked at some of my notes. (Personal notes in books can be very helpful next time you pick it up.) I ran across a big star I put next to a paragraph that ended with the quote above. The book is The Spirituality of Success by Vincent Roazzi.

Here's the early part of it: Referring to his garden as an example, he says, "I have found that the only way to get a tomato to grow in my garden is to make a concerted effort to achieve that result. I have to plant a tomato seed. I have to take action. Inasmuch as that action is revealing in and of itself, what is even more revealing are the results of my inaction. If I don't plant tomatoes, I get weeds. My vegetable garden contains the possibility of both tomatoes and weeds, and it doesn't care which one it produces. I have the power to determine which one I will harvest. My planting of the tomato seed is an action, but my inaction to not plant the seed is also an action. In other words, doing nothing is still doing something, although that fact escapes most people."

It's interesting to thoroughly contemplate this quote and how many times we may say we want something, but fail to plant the seeds, and/or fail to take the action necessary to achieve the desired result. I can relate to that absolutely. However, what is the most fascinating gem that I glean from this piece is this: "my vegetable garden contains the possibility of both tomatoes and weeds, and it doesn't care which one it produces."

This really brings home the idea that whatever our situation is, it really is a choice. How often do we somehow think that the garden cares what it produces? A choice to plant or not to plant; to act, and not to act; to follow through, or let it go. I found this a very worthwhile section to spend a little time on.

Here's To Accepting Responsibility For Our Part. . .

Spread Some Joy Today--When no one is looking, begin praising quietly everything that you see that pleases you in any way, then when someone is looking, they will be very curious what you are up to.

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