Friday, August 3, 2012

Daily Inspiration 8-3-12

"The primary cause of unhappiness
is never the situation,
but your thoughts about it."

-- Echart Tolle

Today was a very interesting day. My business partner, and I met with an associate for lunch and was briefly introduced to a man and we were told was a very successful businessman. In the couple minutes he was at our table, he brought up several times that the problems of the current administration in Washington is causing him nothing but grief and other outside ills and how that is affecting his business in a negative way and indicating it was affecting everyone else's in the same way.

My first thought is that it is strange to me to be very successful, and at the same time so negative and blaming of others. It doesn't make any sense to me. My guess is that this negativity didn't come since this administration took office, but has changed venues for many, many years.

Later I met another successful business person who was complaining about everything he could think of. I let him have his way and I went mine.

Those people think that the situation, or the authorities they cannot control, or the economy they don't understand, or some other things from the outside of them is the reason for their unhappiness.

If that were true, I would be unhappy too, but I'm not. Instead, I see nothing but brightness on the horizon and I could care less who's in office.

I had another business person tell me that their competition was getting all the hits of Google and they aren't and they wanted to get on top of the competition and knock them down a few notches. I told him that he has no competition and that all he needed to do was to focus on his own business and providing the best product, service and experience possible to all their existing and potential clients. I said that paying any attention to so-called competition is taking you off your game. And, it does. The only real competition is in our head, worrying about the future.

If we all just focus on being the best we can with what we have to work with, while having a good time, and providing the best products, services, and experience, there are no problems. The vast majority of ills and unhappiness or frustration is strictly in our minds.

It is simple to change--not necessarily easy, but simple. Find better feeling thoughts. That is as simple as it gets, and as difficult as it gets. As we have a problem thought, we just release it and find a better feeling thought and then another and another and soon we are feeling well and healthy and vibrant again. It is not the outside that is the problem, but the inside.

The good news that should make this worthwhile is that by changing our attitudes of thought, we automatically change our circumstances. We literally create our own world from that perspective.

This Helps Too: Stop Paying So Much Attention To The News. It's Not Really News Anyway. It's Olds--Same Olds.
Spread Some Joy Today--Choose your outlook and that you will receive.

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