Saturday, July 23, 2011

Daily Inspiration 7-23-11

"The pursuit of knowledge is a fallacy.
All you wish to know you already know.
If you wish to learn--teach!
This is the spirituality of knowledge."

-- Vincent Roazzi

I love this quote from Vincent Roazzi from his bestselling book, The Spirituality of Success, which I highly recommend reading. I like the quote because I have found it to be absolutely true in my own life. That which I have wanted to learn, I have found a way to teach and I learn it.

Of course, this place is one of those places that I teach and thereby learn. I also do it in my business. I've found that teaching people about the value of what we do, I gain greater knowledge of what I do. That probably sounds strange, as if I should already know what I do, but it expands by the teaching of it. For example, we do Internet Marketing, but that is a vague, overused phrase that means nothing to most people. I can tell them what I do, or how I do it and that isn't very helpful either, but when I teach what the benefits are to them of the Internet, social media and so on, that then makes the difference. So, I end up teaching them about the Internet, rather than our business. As a result, I learn a great deal about the Internet!

Everything that I have wanted to know well, I have found an outlet for teaching, and some of them I've taught for a very long time, such as sales, management, philosophy, and more. I find that I not only have the desire to teach it to learn it better, but the need to teach it. Another thing I find about teaching these things is that I need to understand them better in order to be effective at teaching them. Hmmmm. Interesting. . .

There's No Such Thing As Graduation As A Teacher.

Spread Some Joy Today--When you're adding the tip at lunch or dinner, always choose the higher amount. It makes all the difference to the server. . . and you.

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