Friday, July 15, 2011

Daily Inspiration 7-15-11

"If you want to believe in something,
then believe in it.

Just because something isn't true,
that's no reason you can't believe in it. . .

. . . Sometimes the things that may
or may not be true

are the things that a man needs
to believe in the most."

-- Robert Duvall's character
in Second Hand Lions

I just watched Second Hand Lions which I haven't seen since it came out around 2004. It is a delightful movie and I think almost any movie with Robert Duvall in it is worth owning, but to have Robert Duvall and Michael Caine, is really a special combination.

So, during the movie, this line I quoted above caught my sharp attention. I thought that the first part of this was so powerful. . . "If you want to believe in something, then believe in it. Just because something isn't true, that's no reason you can't believe it."

At some point, we all believe things that aren't true. We believed in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, superhero's, happy ever after, and so many more. Then we grew up or were forced to grow up (at least most of us grew up. . .) and the cat was out of the bag: they were good stories, but not real. Sad days were they! Enter the harsh and sometimes cruel and ever present reality.

But, the funny thing about this is that. . . the more I study, and the more enlightened I become, the more I find that the quote above is perfect in every way and is indeed one of the keys to greater satisfaction, joy, and success, and that is believing in the things that are not true--or I should say. . . not true yet!

What I have found is that paying homage and serving reality is not serving us, but is instead increasing the weight of that reality or those realities. The solution to excess reality is choosing to believe with all our hearts and minds that which is not true. . . yet. In this way, it will very soon become our new more childlike and joyous reality.

More Childlike Is A Beautiful Thing!

Spread Some Joy Today--Be more childlike yourself today. Just for the joy of it. It's contagious.

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