Monday, July 11, 2011

Daily Inspiration 7-11-11

"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple,
but only God can count the number of apples in a seed."

-- Robert H Schuller

There are some things we know and many thing that we don't know, we can find out, and then, there are things we may never know. Counting the seeds in the apple is an easy thing for us to know, along with much more about the apple that contains the seeds. How many apples are in the seed is one of those things we don't really need to know, but we do need to trust.

I've shared it before, but it is one of the most powerful quotes I've come across and I don't even know where it came from, but I think I put it together from a few different people I was studying--anyway, it is that "what is MY job, and how is GOD's job." In other words, I focus on my desire, what I want, my inspiration, and I let God take care of the things I don't know anything about such as making it come true. If I do my job and let God do His, things usually work out better for me.

It's Really Nice Knowing I Don't Have To Have All The Answers.

Spread Some Joy Today--You know those people in the driveways at the store with the sign about needing food? Try something new. Forget the spare change or using the other driveway, instead, drive right up, stop on purpose and give them a $20 dollar bill. It'll make their day and yours at the same time. It doesn't matter how they use it. What matters is you gave it.

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