Friday, July 22, 2011

Daily Inspiration 7-22-11

"Resistance is thought transformed into feeling. . .
Change the thought that creates the resistance,
and there is no more resistance."

-- Bob Conklin

"Everything depends upon the way we look at things."

-- Orison Swett Marden

Is the glass half full or half empty? Is it getting better or getting worse? Is there hope, or is there despair? Although these are opposites, it doesn't matter the difference between two views as much as what we see and how we feel about it. Therein lies our individual reality, or what we believe to be true--and our individual choice.

Hope is a good place to get to. When I can get to hope, I can go higher on my journey to joy. Just because people around me choose to accept or believe something that causes their despair, is not a good enough reason for me to do so. In fact, it seems that the more something is discussed with each other, on the news, in the paper, on the Internet, the more easily it is accepted as THE reality, when it is truly only A reality.

When I allow myself to feel down at all because of some THE reality thinking, I have the choice of remaining there, or moving away. To move away is to get into hope. Hope is the anticipation of something better--and acceptance of the real possibility. It's not about positive thinking, but just finding a way to feel better instead of feeling worse. And, it is this finding a way to feel just a little better, then a little better, and a little better that allows me to move toward something I want rather than something I do not want. When I move up to hope, I know I can get higher.

Sometimes stuff happens. How it got here is not the issue at the moment, but how I feel right now is. Feeling badly is going in the wrong direction, so I need to forget about everything else except for one thing: find a better feeling thought. I need to be thankful for something; anything. I need to appreciate something; anything; anyone. If I find one thought that way, however pathetic it may be at the start, I can move higher with another thought like it.

Maybe I can't change the circumstances right now, but one thing is certain that I can change and that is how I think about it and consequently, how I feel.

Feeling Good Is The Most Important Thing I Can Do, And It Is Something I Have Full Domain Over.

Spread Some Joy Today--Quietly consider how powerful you really are at controlling your own experience. Once realized, this knowledge will guide you well the rest of your life. If that doesn't bring joy, I'm not sure what would.

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