Friday, December 3, 2010

Daily Inspiration 12-3-10

"What you do is more important than how much you make,
and how you feel about it is more important than what you do."

-- Jerry Gillies

Playing the field is a phrase from the game of dating, and I think of it also in terms of finding work that one would love. I highly recommend trying things to find out what you love to do in the world of work. Finding things we don't like is just as valuable a result because it leads to things that are much more appealing.

I look back and see the things I've tried, and not just tried a little, but gave it a good shot. Each and every experience has been so valuable and things that I might learn about one task would certainly help me in some way in other tasks.

I've been an auto mechanic, rising to the journeyman level. I've driven dump trucks, used skip loaders, worked in landscaping and colored rock. I harvested turkey eggs at a turkey ranch (well, just for one day. . . yuck!), worked in 3 different gas stations, worked for Hills Bros Coffee in San Francisco. I was a car salesman for 2.5 years and they called me the Vega king. We got 13 "millionth Vega's" and I sold 11 of them. I was a sales manager, general sales manager (big deal. . .), and commercial truck manager for 25 years. I worked for a truck body manufacturer for 10 years. I've been a songwriter and written a couple hundred songs, have recorded songs, done an album, played music live as solo and in groups, I've taught many, many classes from sales, to commercial trucks, to songwriting and more. I've owned a musical instrument store, did multi-level marketing for two years with Shaklee, owned a recording studio. I've owned an eBay store for over 6 years selling over 16,000 items. Now I own a consulting company, and an Internet marketing company, with more enterprises on the horizon. I've written and published a book and am writing another now. And much more.

What I've done has been very interesting and I've found a number of things I didn't care for too much. I've found things that didn't earn much money, and things that did. As I share this and look back, I feel wonderful that I have had the courage and tenacity to venture out into other things to see what they are like. Each and every experience has been valuable and has aided my current enterprises and my personal knowledge, skill, confidence and beliefs.

I would encourage young men and women to play the field in search of love; in search of passion. Enjoy the journey and fill your bag with all that you can. It will be worth it all I assure you. It certainly has been for me, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Play The Field--Even If It Is Just For The Fun Of It!

Spread Some Joy Today--I've loved something about everything I've done and finding what I loved about it was the best part. What do you love about what you do? You don't have to love it all, but if you don't love a good part of it, why do it at all?

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