Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Daily Inspiration 12-14-10

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

-- Albert Camus

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence,
it can only be attained through understanding."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I was looking at books today, and one title jumped out at me: "The Battle For Peace," A Frontline Vision Of America's Power and Purpose by General Tony Zinni and Tony Koltz. It jumped out at me because I was thinking it was an oxymoron--like those two words don't belong in the same sentence. Perhaps the idea for the title came from the Albert Camus quote above, that "peace is the only battle worth waging." To me, that one seems even worse, or even funnier.

Let's see. . . since peace is the absence of conflict, tranquility, quiet, calmness. . . I'm thinking those aren't going to get beaten into submission, or chased down by a tank, punctured by a rocket from an airplane, or even subdued by a marine with an M-16. I'm thinking that those qualities can only be attracted, encouraged, released to, relaxed into, or drawn. Surrounding it and capturing it seems ridiculous.

Peace cannot be something to battle, but the absence of the battle. It is not something to win, but something to decide and accept.

Stop Fighting. Start Loving. That's Peace.

Spread Some Joy Today--Stop fighting and start loving at work today. Relax and allow peace. Cooperation is not instantly required. Imagination will suffice.

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