Saturday, September 8, 2018

Daily Inspiration 9-8-18

"What we have been
is an established and unchangeable fact. 
What we can yet become 
is an unlimited, boundless opportunity." 

-- Jim Rohn 

[Classic post from 7-22-14]

Continuing the quote by Jim Rohn above, he says, "Therefore, do not allow your awareness of past difficulty or failures to adversely affect your current and future possibilities." This is a quote from Jim's great book, The Seasons of Life. This little gem of a book is only 125 pages and almost all of them have art on them, so it is short, yet is full of sparkles of wisdom from a so-called and self-professed failure who found a mentor who led him in a completely different and far more productive direction.

The chapter these quotes came from is The Effect of Environment on Circumstance. At the beginning he says, "All of us, whether rich or poor, young or old, educated or not so educated, is the sum total of all those people and events that have touched us since first entering this world." He says that every thought we've had, movies we've watched, TV shows, and books we've read have had their effect. "Every disappointment, triumph, doubt, dream, and love for someone each had their effect. What we are and what we have, we have slowly brought upon ourselves. It is the human tendency to blame someone or something else for our lack of progress--we blame government, competitors, managers, inflation, pay schedules and even the traffic and weather for our circumstances."

But, he says, "Those people and events which have left their mark--whether favorable or unfavorable--are now behind us. What happened even as recently as yesterday is no longer of any consequence unless we choose to allow it to be. What is of great importance is who and what it is that leaves its mark today, and each day thereafter."

You know, I think it is so important to understand that every second of every day, we are beginning anew. We have certainly gathered a lot of experience and influences along our path, and yet, we get to choose what we do with that mass of information. If we are to use that information gathered all of our lives to our best advantage today, it would be to love it all, not feel that anything should have been different, and accept it as it was and how it was would have been full of value and benefit.

The only time we have that we can do anything with is this second, so often called the NOW. What was has been. It all had value. It all had benefits. If you didn't see that, it may be worth another look. Then, we can make choices here and now for whatever we want today. We do get to choose all of that. There is nothing and no one to blame. However, there may be plenty of people, events and circumstances to thank once we see the value and benefit, and I can absolutely state as fact in my life that being thankful for all that has been is the best and most sure footing for moving forward today.

Wherever You Are Now Is A Perfect Place To Begin. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by blessing the path you have been traveling while learning to enjoy the view.

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