Monday, May 29, 2017

Daily Inspiration 5-29-17

"We often see obstacles
as blocking our view
wishing they would go away.
Yet with a little more awareness,
the obstacles can demonstrate
the grand design in
seeing the bigger picture."

-- Albert K. Strong

A clear blue sky is a beautiful thing to view, and yet it grows in size with some obstacles in the way. The sky looks so big--way bigger with some clouds, even when those clouds might seem to hide a great deal of the blue in the sky.

This view of the early morning sky today reminded me of how what we choose to focus on, and what we choose to allow ourselves to see is what we see. We can see so many clouds blocking the view, lowering the temperature, blocking the sun. Or, we can see how those clouds, and especially this morning, cause the sky to look so big that I feel insignificant in size to it and yet delight in the vastness and the beauty, even the beauty that is added by the obstacle itself.

Yesterday, I was sharing a story by Bashar that indicated that events are all neutral and devoid of meaning. It is we who add the meaning to the event, and the most interesting part of that is that we get to always, always, always, choose the meaning we give an event. And, even better is that we can change the meaning when we used to see it one way and now we can see it in a completely different light.

It's the same with so-called obstacles, roadblocks, and other such impediments to our progress toward what we want. Is that the definition of delayed gratification? Hmm. As in yesterday's story, the obstacles we see and feel are actually neutral. We see them as negative, or as blockages, because of the meaning, we have developed over time and the influence of others on our points of view. However, we can change that should we desire to do so.

We can choose to see being fired from a job as being a very negative event, or it can be a joyous event. We can see lack, or we can see abundance. And anywhere in between. Reality is the reality and it is totally up to us what reality means to us. That's when it becomes our reality.

Obstacles Or Gateways? It's All In Our Interpretation Of Our View. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by seeing the bigger picture. Joy is the bigger picture!

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