Friday, May 19, 2017

Daily Inspiration 5-19-17

"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 
And, so is everything else." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

Our perspective is built on beliefs and our beliefs are created with repetitive thoughts, and so what we see is seen through each of our own perspectives.

One can see an opportunity, and another sees nothing but a lack of opportunity. One sees abundance, and another is starved in lack. And there are millions of points in between these opposites that I will call shades of gray.

I was reminded of the fact that our vision is tainted by our perspective this morning and that if what we see is not what we desire, then we must first begin the process of changing the beliefs and that is done by changing the thoughts.

What is, is not real. What is filtered through our consciousness is what is real. If we want to change what is real to us, then we need to change the filter.

However the change may unfold, it is a thought that gets it moving by making a decision to think it and to act on it. Often we may think that we cannot do something, achieve something, and this is only a filtering problem. Once we change the filter, magically, we are able to do and achieve.

Maybe that change is only a step in the direction we intend, but it is motion. I have found that via that motion put in gear by the decision and the desire for change built from the new thoughts, it is amazing how we can see a way to a solution when just a short time ago there was little or no hope of a solution.

The struggle is valuable. If there is a struggle, this is an indication of a desire to not struggle, and this will require a filter change. As it is changed, doors are opened, avenues are clearer. There may be many struggles to continue to move in the direction we want to go. So what? If the struggle is creating a desire for change, then celebrate the struggle.

I was just this morning talking with my main business partner about some things we have changed for the better simply by deciding to do so and then magically, it all worked out. I didn't yet believe, but I thought we would try and so that began the thinking filter change and the decision caused action. Now I have a new belief. It can be done. It will be done. We can do it. We are doing it. It is done.

There's No Such Thing As Problems With No Solutions Except That Thinking Makes It So. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by thinking your way into joy.

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