Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Daily Inspiration 4-2-13

"It's true!
The scale can only give you
a numerical reflection of
your relationship with gravity.
That's it.
It cannot measure beauty,
talent, purpose, life force,
possibility, strength, or love.
Don't give the scale
more power than it has earned.
Take note of the number,
then get off the scale
and live your life.
You are beautiful!"
-- Steve Maraboli

This is such an awesome quote and worthy of printing it our nicely and putting it on the wall--maybe even in a frame.

Two lines leap off the page at me when I read this:

1. Don't give the scale more power than it has earned. Or, anything else for that matter. We give many things way more importance than they deserve. Most, if not all of the "scales" we use in judgment cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength or love.

2. You are beautiful! That is worthy of being on the wall in huge, bold letters! Yes! We need to remind ourselves often that we are beautiful; that we are marvelous; that we are magnificent, and powerful.

It's Just A Reflection. A Mirage.

Spread Some Joy Today--Begin and end the day loving yourself. As you do, spreading joy cannot possibly be avoided.

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