Saturday, March 30, 2013

Daily Inspiration 3-30-13

"In everyone's life, at some time
our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame
by an encounter
with another human being.
We should be thankful for those people
who rekindle the inner spirit."
-- Albert Schweitzer

Remember the book and movie, Paying It Forward? I love the idea of paying it forward by taking what has been given you, perhaps even when it seemed out of the blue, and giving what benefit you have derived to another for the sake of your own gratitude and the active act of gratitude called giving.

My own inner fire has flamed and cooled so many times in my life, and I can look back and see a trail of people who inspired me, caused me to think differently, just gave pure love, and more to reignite that flame and spur me on again. I am grateful for each and every one. Some gave me a job at just the right time, others, refused to help at just the right time, some spoke powerful words of encouragement and belief, and all so perfectly timed.

There have been authors that I have grown with from book to book, adventure to adventure like Wayne Dyer, with whom I began at the beginning with Your Erroneous Zones. There was Jim Rohn and so many cassette tapes over and over again. There was The Bible and getting to know the pure love of Jesus. In fact, most of my personal mentors are in the form of written and spoken material, and many of them were no longer physically here, and some for a long, long time gone. Still, their humanness, compassion, enthusiasm, heart, and wisdom came through and spoke perfectly to my ready mind and ear.

Sometimes my direction was changed dramatically and others was more of a shift in perspective. It is hard to judge which is more important, and I prefer to accept them all as important.

Some that have and may still be inspiring me are students on mine and students of life. I share with them, and they teach me. In fact, I would have to say that as I think about this now, the list is so very long of interactions with others that has helped me. I don't think there is anything worthwhile that we can do alone except being present with the moment. Interaction is what moves life forward however that may come to pass.

I thank the readers of my paying it forward messages written here. Some respond periodically with comments and I always enjoy that interaction. Some have been reading these since I began them and I am amazed at that. I speak through my heart and mind and sometimes even a collective mind where they take on a life I could not give them alone. I am grateful for all of it.

My Inner Flame Is Continually Rekindled As I Am Open To New Growth.

Spread Some Joy Today--Pay it forward.

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