Saturday, March 2, 2013

Daily Inspiration 3-2-13

"To get love
you have to start with love."
-- Robert Holden

If I am paying attention, I am learning something every single day and many times several things. Today I was paying attention and trying to be of service without upsetting the egos of others. I think I was successful. It is often a challenge.

I dealt with two clients today teaching them to do things differently than they had planned for a better result. Both had to do with communication via the Internet and via two different mediums.

It became clear to me in our conversation that they were trying to tell people their story. It was the story that they wanted to tell. It was information that they wanted to communicate. What I was doing my best to teach was to send a message that others would like to hear rather than a message that you want to send. In other words, to think more of the receiver and what would be interesting to them. Talking about our own business is less important.

It also means to leave out the lingo that means nothing to others because they don't understand. Speak simply, as a person talking to another person as if you are a friend. That strategy is effective and meaningful.

In both cases, it seemed to go well and they were grateful to learn. To get love, you have to start with love. There are so many ways to apply that statement.

What Was That Golden Rule Thing Again?

Spread Some Joy Today--If you're in business, how are you communicating with your clients and potential clients?

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