Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daily Inspiration 3-14-13

"Judging yourself for what
you haven't yet accomplished,
is like finding fault with
a lion because it can't fly,
a bird because it can't swim,
or a tree because it can't leave. . .
well, you know what I mean."
-- Mike Dooley as The Universe

I've been receiving Notes From The Universe by Mike Dooley ( for many years and I love getting these perfectly appropriate and often funny, while always thoughtful daily messages. This is one of those "stand-out" ones for me, so I thought I would share it and some thoughts about it.

Stress. There's a lot of ways to adopt stress. It's not like we ever really purposefully attract it, and yet, we do. One of the ways that we attract stress that is high on the list is judging ourselves for what we have not yet accomplished. Let me repeat that: One of the ways that we attract stress that is high on the list is judging ourselves for what we have NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED. If you repeat that two or three or ten or fifteen more times, I'll bet that you all of a sudden break out in hilarious laughter because it sound so dang funny just to say that line with a straight face. Judging ourselves for what we have not yet accomplished. It's really silly.

A better path may be to be a real judge and judge ourselves on what we have already accomplished. That would even make sense to Simon Cowell, but to judge ourselves on what we have yet to accomplish or admonish ourselves for not yet having accomplished is ridiculous. And yet, we do this, don't we?

Well. Let's take a pact to stop it this minute, right now, today. No more judging ourselves on what we haven't yet done, or what we do not yet have, or any of that nonsense. Let us instead rejoice in what we do have, what we have done, and how we are, in fact, alive.

Living. Breathing. Moving. Loving. Learning. Enjoying. Sharing. Celebrate The Act Of Becoming. I Am Becoming. I Am A Work In A Constant Process Of Becoming--Ever Expanding. This Is A Joyous State.

Spread Some Joy Today--How can you express your inherent generosity today?

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