Thursday, February 16, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-16-17

"Does the thought
you are now thinking
take you where you want to go? 
If not, what thought would?" 

-- Greg Levoy 

I'll bring Abraham, Esther Hicks to shed more light on this concept:

"The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought, your reality must follow suit. If things are going well for you, then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things. 

You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually... your life experience. 

Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty. When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the "lackful" side of the equation. In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts." 

My favorite part of that is this: "When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful."

It seems to me that so often I am wanting to fix something, wanting something that I do not now have. Yet this phrase as part of this whole quote gives me a much better way to consider the idea of visualization.

It reminds me of my practice of appreciation. Everywhere I look now, I find myself seeking to notice something or many things that I appreciate as I view them. I make note and let them go moving on to the next scene. I now find at least one thing to appreciate in every scene I encounter.

So to visualize finding things to appreciate makes so much better sense to me now. I'm going to add this to my practice and enjoy the unfolding and the fascinating things and situations to come.

Love Is Expressed In Many Ways, And Predominantly In Appreciation. 

Spread Some Joy Today--via your appreciation.

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