Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-28-17

"I rate enthusiasm 
even above professional skill."

-- Edward Appleton

[Today and for the next few days I'm re-sharing some classic posts that relate to enthusiasm, its meaning and its value in our lives. This post is from 5-30-12]

Enthusiasm is a interesting word--no, not just interesting, but fascinating! I used to think it was like jumping up and down with energy, sort of like when you've rested your body really well and had something you wanted to do and you bound out of bed and bound down the road and exude joy in your movement. It can be that, and I've felt that, but it isn't very reliable. In fact, it is hard to come by.

Looking enthusiasm up in the dictionary provides some of the fascination to the word. It's origin is approximately 1570-80 according to Dictionary.com and means essentially equivalent to God within or inspired by God. It also means absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest. And, to be enthusiastic is to be full of or characterized by enthusiasm.

That's a bit complicated, but I get the concept. To make it easier, I think it means to be in love with what you do, regardless of what that is; to live alive and on purpose; and to feel the presence of God or the God force or whatever you may choose to call that connection that we all know is within us. Esther Hicks would call it an alignment with all that we have become and who we really are. Eckhart Tolle would call it the power of NOW, or being present now. The great management master, John C Maxwell might call it being in joy. And they would all be right. That wasn't really making it easier, was it?

Okay, here's easy: Loving Life This Moment and Loving Your Life This Moment. I like to string moments together and so it can last for days. It has lasted all day today, and yesterday. I might as well keep going. Yet, it's not about making it last longer, it is just enjoying, or rather, injoying it this moment. Injoying the moment. In the moment.

So, how is that done reliably? By being willing to let go and let God within, by letting go of what was and what may be and only considering what is. Where ever you find yourself, be there. In every single instance that I do this, I am enthusiastic.

Enthusiasm Is An Outward Expression Of InJoy.

Spread Some Joy Today--Injoy your day. You'll know it when it happens.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-27-17

"For though my faith is not yours 
and your faith is not mine, 
if we each are free to light our own flame, 
together we can banish 
some of the darkness of the world." 

-- Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks 

There is one thing that I have finally learned well that took most of a lifetime to settle into that now guides my life in assurance. That thing is this: I cannot think for another, and therefore, I cannot change another by anything that I might say or do. 

When it comes to change in human beings, I only and very strictly have the power to change myself because only I can think for myself. No one, regardless of title or authority can think for me. Period. 

One can attempt to change the behavior of another, and there can be what might appear to be success, but it is strictly an illusion. If they change under duress, it is not really change but compliance. 

Whether it is a carrot or a stick, it is still manipulation. In the management game, they call that motivation, but if you've been a manager as long as I have, you realized some time back that there is no such thing as motivating another. They may motivate themselves and we may be an influence in one way or another, but if it doesn't come from within them, there are none of the intended results. 

The carrot always works better, but the thing that works the best is example and the best way to be an example is to operate from the State of Appreciation, and Love. 

If we are each free to light our own flame, and we certainly are--that is part of our natural authority by being alive--we may shine our light and the darkness will flee. As we shine our light, we give permission (though they don't require any such thing) to all others to relight their inherent flame and shine their light and more darkness flees.

But, here's the interesting part of that. We are not attacking the darkness. The darkness is simply the absence of light. We are lighting our flames and expressing our true selves guiding not only ourselves on our journey and in our learning, but being of the most assistance we can be to all others we encounter at whatever distance they may be from us physically.

Here is a catalyst to speed this process of accepting and living this example. We call ourselves many things. Someone asks, "who are you?" and we may answer, "I am a sales manager." Or, "I am a mother of three." Or, "I am Jennifer Caplan, or Jeff Brown." Or, "I am the President of the United States." We claim many titles and names and they change with time, but that is not who we are. 

Who are we? We are a divine part of Source Energy, All-That-Is, God, The Universe, which as you can see also has many names, but that is only so we can communicate our thoughts. We are so much more than we say we are.

As we realize that we all know deep inside this is absolutely true, we allow ourselves to light that flame, shine our light, and give permission via our own example of encouragement and love to become their own beacon of light. It is not darkness that we are after, it is the light, and the light is within us all. 

You ARE The Light. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by basking in the glow of the love of the Universe.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-26-17

"Any and everything
can be justified. 
Our egos do that 
all day long." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

I was reading comments from a Facebook post of a controversial image from the past.

One comment was that it was hard to be a Christian in times like these. This is the one who shared the negative controversial image. I thought that was fascinating and it caused me to consider what it is to be a Christian or anything else for that matter.

So, here's some questions to ponder:

As a Christian, it is my duty to _______________________.
I am a Christian because ____________________________.
I think that to be a Christian is to _____________________.

Now to expand by changing the word Christian to:

Any other religious sect
Business Owner
Human Being
Divine part of All-That-Is.

Hmmmmm. I happen to think that the word love would be appropriate in each of the blanks in all of the things we call ourselves from time to time.

But That's Just Me. Choose As You Will, Because You Do. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by following your heart instead of the ego.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-25-17

"An awake heart 
is like a sky that pours light." 

-- Hafez 

More and more I am simply in love with life and people and all that I see in my world. This has been growing in me for many years, and there are days that come where I am so wide awake to the joy and exuberance that I feel like I am walking on air. Yesterday was one of those peak days, and as I accumulate the experience of days, I find my practice becomes mastery much like a concert pianist grew from chopsticks.

I was up early for an 80 mile trip to Yuba City CA to see two great clients, and in the process I talked with a number of people I've never met, enjoyed every view my eyes could see. I enjoyed many hugs from people I've known for a long time and only see once or twice a year. I dearly love and respect all of these fine men and it is such a delight to see them and spend a little time listening to them.

There was an event at the dealership of one of my long time clients and friend, Paul, and the event was a great success. I shot some video with a more recent client down the road. I stopped at a favorite shop to pick up some unique items, and another store too. In these side jaunts, I saw some beautiful people with uniquely colored hair. I complimented one woman who had yellow and green hair with buzz-cut sides with a pony tail and long bangs too. It was so much fun to see, and she loved that I spoke with her.

Later, at the event I complimented a guy on his facial tattoo. He told me the story of what it means and the stages of its completion.

You know, I have to stop here and say that in the past I would laugh at people with tattoos because I thought it was wrong or silly or some other judgmental view. The strange colored hair is quite popular right now and I used to love laughing at those bold enough to go there. But no more. I've flipped a U-turn with the Queen Mary so to speak. Now I see it all as expressions of their personality, a way to show more of their personality, or their uniqueness. I didn't even notice this changed in me until recently.

I had a great day in Yuba City and then came home and stopped briefly at Wal-Mart to get a few things. Here I saw a woman that I only met about a month ago and didn't recognize at first, but she gave me a delightful hug and, well, I love getting hugs, and especially from beautiful women.

The rest of the evening was equally delightful, so I spent the entire day from early in the morning to the end of the evening loving everyone I saw, loving all of the scenery, the autobiography of Andrew Carnegie audiobook while driving to and from, the wonderful junk food dinner I savored (a very rare treat!). I cannot remember a day I've enjoyed as much and so fully, and the best part is that this is expanding in frequency of occurrence. How magical is that?!

It stands true that the more I practice appreciation and love and allow myself to experience the joy of that, the more I find to appreciate and love and experience. Even if I'm not out and about, I seem to find joy wherever I am now--even standing still with my eyes closed.

The Road Diverged And I Took The Road Less Traveled. To See With These New Eyes Is To See Love Everywhere I Look. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by sharing your lovely day(s).

Friday, February 24, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-24-17

"I am worthy because I AM." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

You are worthy because you ARE. They are worthy because they ARE. We are all worthy because we ARE. Simply by being, we are worthy. In all of us is this God-given, God-blessed worthiness. There is no need for any justification. There is no need to earn it. The only thing we have ever needed to do is to accept our worthiness.

Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance To The Music. . . 

Spread Some Joy Today--by accepting your God-given gift of worthiness. Now that is pure joy!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-23-17

"You cannot be less than you are now. 
You cannot achieve a vibration 
that is less than the vibration 
that you have achieved." 

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks 

The knowledge that we have accumulated is where we are now. We can move forward accumulating more knowledge and experience, but it doesn't leak out standing still, nor is it like a tire that has a small leak in it where it has to be refilled in order to stay at the proper pressure. So, the good news--and I think it is really good news to get excited about--is that we cannot go backward, or become less somehow than what we have attained in our learning and growth.

But, though we are always moving and cannot remain still, we can stay on the same plane as we choose to do so.

While more growth, expansion and higher and higher vibration is always available to us as we choose it, sometimes we may decide to let go of the enthusiasm that is born in saying yes to that journey, by giving our attention to where we are and what is in our current field.

I like the example where once I am no longer ignorant of how fear tends to capture my attention, and those of the world around me, I cannot unknow or unlearn it. I certainly can pay attention to the fear spoken, written, and viewed, and in that attention, I see it grow in my experience.

Yes, I can stay on the plane I am on at the moment. But, no matter that I am distracted, I can no longer blame others for my attention in that way. I now must know that I know that I know. Yes, I know that what I give my attention to grows, and I know as I focus on fear-based propaganda I am encouraging more fear. And, I also know that I am in charge of my focus and no one else. It isn't the news. It isn't the video. It isn't the comments on Facebook or other social media. It is me. I am allowing--even more powerfully, I am choosing to give my attention to this.

At the same time, I know that I have all the power to turn my focus elsewhere and have a different view, experience and result.

I Am In My Knowing. I Am In My Choosing. I Am In Control. All Ways. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by choosing joy over fear. Or not. It is up to each of us as we see fit.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-22-17

"Compromise is one solution; 
albeit, rarely a joyful one." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

I re-watched Women, a favorite movie last night, and after I was done, I wrote this down: "What do I want? versus What do we want?"

The movie is all about relationships, friendship, love, and challenges. One marriage broke apart from the affair of the husband, which was just the perfect situation to cause the wife to take a real look at her life, and after the initial trauma, to ask herself what she really wanted instead of all the expectations of all the others in her life from her father, to business, her daughter, and her long marriage and relationship with her husband. Throw in some drama from her band of girlfriends, and it went from seemingly happy and successful to dysfunctional to say the least.

Many of us have probably navigated similar waters, and from my current vantage point, I can see how things happen that seem to be disconnected, but they are really fully connected and yet we often are unaware that one thing actually causes the other. Into every life some drama must fall I suppose, and some much more than others. But, this is a good thing if you know how to view it.

Standing back and getting the look of the bigger picture is certainly a valuable viewpoint. From here one can see a lot of movement and how much of that movement is under our direct control, whether consciously, or unconsciously. Growth is in there somewhere, I'm sure.

The part that stood out for me and caused me to write that dual question was that so often whether we realize it or not we are living a life with many compromises. We know it doesn't feel good, but we do it for the misused word harmony. Compromise is rarely harmonious. It more often comes from the lack of joy in continuing to fight. It is one, both, or all parties relinquishing our own desires, territory, or position for the sake of the cessation on outward conflict. I don't think it does anything at all about the continuing inner conflict. We just stuff our feelings and move on to the next issue. But, over time, those stuffed feelings must escape from their turmoil within. Enter the antagonist, whether a person, thing, or situation. Something has to give.

But, compromise is only one solution and generally it is not so effective. It is ineffective because it is win-lose, lose-lose, lose-win. It is rarely if ever win-win, and that is the solution that really works, as it did at the end of this movie. She won by finally deciding to follow her passion, her dream, her creativity. He won by realizing what he gave up because now that she has chosen what she wants, he can respect that, appreciate her more, and the unspoken tensions are released into a place of more open communication. The unhappy daughter realized the same thing. All are in a state of appreciation, which is my favorite state of all.

One could say, "well, this is just a movie and this can happen in movies, but it isn't reality." I so tire of that kind of line. Reality is what you make it and everyone has their own reality. As we can appreciate the reality of the other, respect and admiration prevail, and that is expressed outwardly. We can't make a decision that works, but I can, and you can. As we can appreciate the underlying desires and need for the decision, we can gain understanding and find joy. It isn't a compromise to share in the decision of another, it is to decide on your own what is right for you within the decision of the other. Or, to decide otherwise. Courage and risk are always involved, but this is where life is really alive.

This applies in all relationships whether business, political, or like-thinking groups, or personal. I used to be told that marriage is all about compromise. That's not accurate for me. That causes a lot of distress on both sides. What does work is deciding what I want. Then, let us share our thoughts and feelings and come to an understanding rather than a compromise.

Joy Is In Following Our Heart Which Always Leads In Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing your own joy to be expressed in all your relationships. Where there is joy, there is love.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-21-17

"The promises of this world are, 
for the most part, vain phantoms; 
and to confide in one's self, 
and become something of worth and value 
is the best and safest course." 

-- Michelangelo 

"The value of a man 
should be seen in what he gives 
and not in what he is able to receive." 

-- Albert Einstein 

I'm going to share a dream from early this morning. It was so powerful that I woke up and had to write part of it down.

I was friends with a man named Bob Mopi, who was such a special friend. I remember reading a quote by Thich Nhat Hanh the other day which matches this man's love and friendship perfectly: "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free." I felt completely and totally loved and free whenever I even thought of Bob Mopi, and I did nothing to hold him from being equally loved and free.

Bob was an expert at numbers, investing, and managing money. He was in the highest demand, and yet he chose as he chose not paying any attention to the grandness of the offers. He was his own man and did as he pleased; did what pleased him the most.

I was friends with several board members of a mid-sized company and they really needed a treasurer, but more like a CFO; someone who could guide the company financially out of the chaos that it had landed in, but they couldn't pay the big bucks and so they were wondering where this magic person would come from.

I said, "what about Bob?" I didn't even say his last name, and they all knew exactly who I was talking about. They all instantly said, Bob Mopi. Yes, that's who we want. But, will he be available to us? That's the question. I said that I would speak to him.

Now this board was made up of the finest men and women one could know. They were smart and full of integrity, and yet, they found themselves in need of some financial help. Well, a lot of financial help.

I talked with Bob and he instantly agreed to do it, not even asking about any compensation. The only thing he stipulated is that he must have the freedom to not be tied to this job. He must be able to get the work done in whatever little time it might take and then have the freedom to do other things in the meantime. It was agreed.

Afterward, back in the big office with that board, everyone was chatting it up and I spoke out (and this is what I wrote down early this morning): "I know what is so special about Bob. He doesn't not like anyone. Everyone is important to him. He doesn't know how people he interacts with will be of value to him or he to them, but he knows there is value in all relationships, however brief or exalted."

I thought, wow! If someone were to say that about me, that would be the greatest compliment I could ever be paid. It is love. It is love as a noun, and also a verb. It is love in action. It is unconditional love. It doesn't matter how the other is expressed physically, Bob loves them as they are inside--as they truly are, and he loves them with such freedom that the other feels no ties that bind, with no expectations, with no requirements.

Imagine The Possibilities Of This In Your Life And Your World. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by seeing beyond the surface to see that in which we all are the same in love and freedom.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-20-17

"We're not held back 
by the love we didn't receive in the past, 
but by the love,
we're not extending in the present." 

-- Marianne Williamson 

I read this quote. Then put it down. Then picked it up again and again. In a short time, I became mesmerized by it. There was a wash of thoughts that came through as if this quote opened a floodgate of sorts.

Yesterday I received an email where a reader expressed some thoughts about yesterday's post about enlightenment and found it hard to let go because there is still a strong urge to seek approval from others. I love when people write to me, and I gave a response that came to me that I thought might be helpful.

I shared something I learned early in my study of sales that I learned from someone else about having an air of indifference. Not indifference, but just an air of it. It's sort of a self-protection device to take a 'no' as a choice and not as a personal attack. Having an air of indifference as if I won't die if they say 'no' allows me to keep my wits about me and my personal feelings from running amok.

Then this quote came to me this morning and opened that approval idea wide. All that love we didn't receive in the past that we live over and over again, even as the past is long gone. It is something we hold onto though it is not necessary to continue to do so. But to paraphrase Marianne's quote, "we're not held back by what was, but only what is." In other words, it is the present moment that is all there really is. We can live in the memory or the moment.

Thich Nhat Hanh said, "to be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." I delight in this statement. At the same time, I can so relate to the reader because the majority of my life I craved approval, sought it all day every day, and I would be unhappy if my attempts to manipulate the approval of others failed, which they did all the time. Yet I persisted in my quest.

Then, I found a book that put me on a path toward change from this quest. It is a short book that is so profound. I have read it so many times over the years and have given away hundreds of copies, especially to young people. The title is, Love Is Letting Go of Fear, by Gerald Jampolsky. This book gave me permission to accept myself, to approve of myself, and not have such a need to have others approving or loving me. It was the first book I ever read about loving myself enough to awaken me to the choices I always have had available to me and yet previously ignored.

No, we're not held back by the love or the approval or anything else we think we were lacking in the past. . . unless we keep living it over and over again in the present. What really matters right now is what we are thinking and doing right now. That letting go book encouraged me to make different choices and to let the past be--to let go of it, release it, accept it for what it was--a part of the journey to here and now. For it is in the here and now that all my power resides. Here is where I decide to let go or reach out.

It is not the ______ we didn't receive in the past, but the _____ we're not extending in the present. We choose every moment of every part of our lives. If we begin by accepting ourselves, our past, our family, our entire history, and our inherent power to choose, we can let go as we choose, and extend all that we are today in as much joy as we will allow.

We Are All Enough. Exactly As We Are. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by laying down the rope of the need to have others approve of us. We are the deciders and we cannot make others do anything. By letting go, we release ourselves to our own freedom.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-19-17

"There is no enlightenment 
outside of daily life." 

-- Thich Nhat Hanh 

This quote speaks volumes in one short sentence. Here is what I thought when I first read this quote this morning.

There is no peace without peace being within us. There is no love without love being within us, expressed by us, delightfully received by us. There is no such thing as business ethics. There is no compartmentalization, no private closets, or privacy on the Internet. We cannot step out with one foot while the other is bound to the floor. We cannot reach out while holding onto our place.

If we are not who and what we are then we are only who and what we are not.

But the real value of our life is being who we truly are. It is sharing who we really are. It is living that which we essentially are in our daily life.

We have been trained by others to wear masks and to attempt to hide who we are. Enlightenment, I think, is merely letting go of all the masks, the training, the proper etiquette, the private closets, the business ethics, the chains that bind us.

Enlightenment then is release. It is not something we find, but something we know deep within. We simply uncover it. We allow it. Within that, we find grace, peace, joy, unconditional love, compassion, freedom, and as we express our real selves, we share these qualities with all others, while at the same time giving permission to all to choose the same, or as they will.

This Then Becomes The Life We Came Here To Live, To Share, To Be. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing your essence to be your dominance.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-18-17

"Is it tragedy or imagidry?" 

-- Albert K. Strong 

It is both because more often than not, tragedy is imagined. It is an opinion, a point of view, a personal or collective decision. All of those are as real as reality gets, and all are equally, though varied, realities.

It doesn't matter if it is right or wrong or serves you or doesn't. It only matters that the chooser has chosen and the verdict is rendered. Even that is flexible enough to be chosen differently at any moment.

Whatever it is to you, it is that in your own reality.

Choose As You Will. Every Choice Is A Valid Choice, And Every Choice Produces An Accompanying Result. 

Spread Some Joy Today--or as you choose. You are the chooser always.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-17-17

"Just because other people act without joy 
does not mean you have to." 

-- Alan Cohen 

Last evening, my business partner called and told me of a conversation with an ex-client that was fascinating, to say the least. I won't go into any of the details, but to say that there was frustration on our part is to say it very mildly. And, so my business partner was calm and laughing about the irony of this call, and I went off on a rant that I never wanted to deal with them again, etc., etc.

Now, here's the interesting part of that going on a rant thing. I knew I didn't mean what I was saying. I know that I loved their business the first time I went there, and I love them too. I know this, and as I was ranting, I knew I knew that. I could so easily justify my position in this rant, but it really doesn't matter. I was just moving hot air out of my lungs and mouth, vibrating my vocal chords, and saying things I didn't mean.

What's interesting about that, you ask? Because I know that I know now. In that past, I didn't know that I knew. I thought I was justified, blameless, in the perfect position of authority. But, of course, you may realize as I came to realize that this is never really the case, is it? We know what we're doing when we're doing it, and any justification is simply gloppy ego-ooze that is attempting to smooth the rough spots, which is like pouring oil in the pan to cook bacon. It's just dumb. And, yet, if not you, I've sure done it enough in my life.

But now I know that I know. I am in my knowing. I cannot be helped by gloppy ego-ooze or any manner of righteous indignation or righteous justification. I am in my knowing. At worst my rant will last a few seconds to a few minutes, and then I have no choice except to come back into my knowing at my Source like a rubber band has to come back after a little stretch.

Of course, you might know that this being in my knowing is joyful, right? My rants are so short nowadays. It's up, it's over. It doesn't last long. I might even say that I enjoyed my little rant knowing that it wasn't really doing harm. Maybe in time, there will be no reaction, as that is what it was. Maybe it will become a loving response instead. I like that. It sounds joyful to me.

May Your Rants Grow Shorter As Joy And Love Fill Your Space. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by paying attention to your inner-knower. That's the way to be injoy as you enjoy.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-16-17

"Does the thought
you are now thinking
take you where you want to go? 
If not, what thought would?" 

-- Greg Levoy 

I'll bring Abraham, Esther Hicks to shed more light on this concept:

"The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought, your reality must follow suit. If things are going well for you, then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things. 

You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually... your life experience. 

Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty. When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the "lackful" side of the equation. In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts." 

My favorite part of that is this: "When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful."

It seems to me that so often I am wanting to fix something, wanting something that I do not now have. Yet this phrase as part of this whole quote gives me a much better way to consider the idea of visualization.

It reminds me of my practice of appreciation. Everywhere I look now, I find myself seeking to notice something or many things that I appreciate as I view them. I make note and let them go moving on to the next scene. I now find at least one thing to appreciate in every scene I encounter.

So to visualize finding things to appreciate makes so much better sense to me now. I'm going to add this to my practice and enjoy the unfolding and the fascinating things and situations to come.

Love Is Expressed In Many Ways, And Predominantly In Appreciation. 

Spread Some Joy Today--via your appreciation.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-15-17

"The earth laughs in flowers."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

[Classic post from 4-29-13]

If flowers are the laughter, the trees are the dancers. It is amazing how everything is so alive around me when I pay attention. Though I may look as if I am paying attention, I am often not even here at all. I'm off thinking about this and that, going over scenarios, possibilities, and more. As I am thinking of other things, I am no longer in the present, but in the past and the future. If I hadn't mastered driving to the point that I can do it without thinking much, I wouldn't be able to drive at all.

The first step to master any change is first awareness. I am aware that I am not paying attention. I can then become aware of my surroundings and notice these things rather than be off in thought-land somewhere.

In the last few months, I have paid more attention whether I am present or not, and it is especially easy to notice when I am driving. Today, I noticed that I was in thought several times and each time I repeated to myself a phrase I borrowed from Jim Rohn: "Wherever you are, be there." After I said this phrase to myself, I immediately came back to the present for a short time. Today it happened many times and that phrase helped me return every time.

As I returned to the present, I saw the most interesting things around me, such as, scenery I had never seen though I'd been on this drive countless times. I am finding this process very valuable.

Practice Makes Perfect.

Spread Some Joy Today--Wherever you find yourself today, try to be there.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-14-17

"When you plant a seed of love, 
it is you that blossoms." 

-- Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati 

Isn't that cool. It's like an investment with a guaranteed full return! Who was it that said, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap?" Looks like it was working even then.

Whether you have a special valentine or not, I wish you a lovely and loving Valentine's Day. There is a never-ending supply of worthy places to plant your seeds of love, and as you do, you are rewarded in kind.

Every Day Is Also A Great Day To Plant. No Need To Wait A Moment Longer. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Of course! Because love is joy. Joy is love.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-13-17

"This is my simple religion. 
No need for temples. 
No need for complicated philosophy. 
Your own mind, your own heart is the temple. 
Your philosophy is simple kindness." 

-- Dalai Lama XIV 

Here's a great question: In what ways can we justify our kindness to another? Here's a better one: Does kindness ever really need justification?

Free speech is a wonderful thing, but just because it's said to be free it doesn't mean that it doesn't have a cost.

I spent several hours yesterday desiring to release any resistance I might be carrying by watching some stand-up comedy on Netflix. I was gettting a head cold and I haven't been sick in almost ten years, so I knew there must be a bunch of resistance going on.

Two of them were absolutely hilarious, and another was funny enough but had some digs that simply seemed mean-spirited and inappropriate. Another had some similar rants and they get old quickly. 

Then, this morning, I was looking on a Sacramento TV station's website for some video of the situation at the Orville Dam because the front page of my newspaper said that evacuations for 130,000 were ordered. I thought, "wow. That's a big deal. Not the kind of news you see everyday." So, I saw what I wanted and then some other news video bleeps enticed me to open them. One was about some Saturday Night Live parodies of key people in the White House and others. I watched some and it was way over the edge of good taste. I didn't find any of it funny.

Right now, there are a lot of people pushing against the President and his administration and it hasn't even been 30 days. Much of that pushing against is distasteful at best and I liken it to bullying. Of course, it can be said that much of this reaction is encouraged by the President's words and actions, many of which are unique to this particular President, but let's go back to the first question. In what ways can we justify our kindness to another? Or, more appropriately stated, in what ways do we justify our lack of kindness? Is it because they are doing something we don't like?

Pushing against anything is counterproductive. All it does is create more of the same. Pushing against, fighting anything is just ineffective. It is because we get more of what we focus on. As we focus on what is not to our liking, we get more that we do not like. Einstein said that we cannot use the same thinking that created the problem to solve the problem. The solution is not where the problem is. This, of course, is assuming that we want the problem solved. Sometimes people just like being fired up and upset because it gives them something to do.

As we read the news from any quarter, it is easy to see that free speech indeed has a cost, and it is a high cost when we are fighting that righteous cause because we are right and they are wrong. It's not even about right and wrong. Besides, even if we saw it as wrong and we are fighting against it, lashing out with hateful words and acts, we are adding fuel to the fire. Two wrongs don't work out to a right.

It's okay to disagree. There is much I disagree with, but in my expressing that disagreement, I am attracting more to be disagreeable about. I only need to recognize that I disagree, and I can feel the negative emotional signal guiding me to turn my focus on the solution, or what I want. Now I can attract more that causes me to feel good, to feel good about.

I do this very easily by finding things to appreciate, whether it is the color of the sky or the fact that President Trump was voted into office. It will be interesting to see how that plays out, and I'm sure there will be some fascinating things done and said, but I look at a much, much, much higher power than the President of the United States that is guiding all of life. Worrying won't help at all, but finding joyful things to focus on certainly will.

Let us brush off our dusty kindness and bring the value of sharing that universally to bear on each other, including our world leaders. Kahlil Gibran said, "Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution."

"The Smallest Act Of Kindness Is Worth More Than The Greatest Intention." -- Kahlil Gibran 

Spread Some Joy Today--by turning toward it and away from blame.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-12-17

"No matter what happens, 
somebody will find a way 
to take it too seriously."

-- Dave Barry 

I know there's still a few hours left in the day in America, and church is already over for many, so the rest of the day can be dedicated to silliness, laughter, spontaneity, fun, naps on the couch, or any other thing that encourages you to let go of that seriousness rope.

Enjoy Being INjoy. It's A Perfect Day For It. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by relaxing in it, rolling around in it, pouring it over your body, and splashing in it.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-11-17

"Prejudice is 
a universally available
point of view." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

I was reading the paper this morning. This is something that I didn't do for a lot of years. Back then, the paper was a source of concern and worry and expanding prejudice, and now it is a source of lighthearted laughter and joy.

It is amazing to me still how easily we come to judgment of something we know very little about, yet take the news report or the facebook post as real. There's much talk on social media about 'fake news' now, but all news is fake until we look at it from as many angles as we can. But, in today's world, who has the time? It is so much easier and more expedient to just accept the report.

Prejudice is easy. It requires almost no effort, skill, or knowledge. Whatever level of education we might have matters not to prejudice. It is available to everyone on the planet equally. It is the great equalizer. The more of it we allow into our lives, the more sure we become of the content of the world.

I grew up hearing about the flaps, clinks, klouts, pachecos, diggers, queries, clone-o-mists, and that is just the short list. Prejudice requires dehumanization. It likes company. It cannot survive alone and thrive. It needs an audience, and to help in this cause, we invent derogatory words to show how they are not anything like us, and that we are clean while they are filthy.

No longer Joan or Jane, Ted or Brandon. Now they are something else other than human because our names are Joan and Jane and Ted and Brandon. This cannot stand. They are not us. They are evil. They are them. Moreover, they are that.

And so, we choose our point of view all day every day in every way. We choose what we see and we choose how we see it. Facebook and other social media, along with a massive number of blogs, newspaper reports and such promote prejudice. It's because it is easy and requires no effort, skill, or knowledge. It is universally shared as we see fit to share--from our own point of view, of course.

At the same time, we have a universally available choice to choose not to accept prejudice in any way shape or form. We can seek what feels good and not what promotes feeling bad. We can find joy on Facebook and other social sites by enjoying the many uplifting things that are shared. We can find lighthearted laughter in the newspaper or online news. We can turn toward that which is love, peace, empowerment, freedom, and joy.

Though prejudice is easy and readily available, it really doesn't take any more effort to choose otherwise. And, the most universal thing of all is our own choice of our personal point of view. This is true because prejudice is fear and fear is resistance. That requires us to hold on to the rope and pull against, push against, fight; whereas, choosing differently only requires letting go of that rope. That's how easy it is or how hard it is depending on your point of view.

Be As You Choose To Be. Nobody Chooses For You. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by letting go of that temptation to judge. That is a mind-field.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-10-17

"Pure love and suspicion 
cannot dwell together; 
at the door where the latter enters, 
the former makes its exit." 

-- Alexander Dumas 

Love and fear cannot co-mingle, as they are faced in opposite directions, and yet in our daily experience we see this attempt so often. But, that is only because it is not pure love. It is instead something that the ego created to cause us to feel good when things are going as we want, and to feel fear when they are not. This is a serialized version of the ego's primary function of immediate reaction in the fight or flight response.

She says, "I love him, but I fear that he is cheating on me." She says, "I love him, and yet I can never really trust a man who stays late at work so often." He or she says, "that same thing happened in my family and I can see that it is happening now to me." He says, "I love my job, but I hate my boss." She says, "I hate my job, but I need the money." He says, "Jesus taught us to love our enemies, but that was easy for Him, but I live in the nuclear age." And, well, this list is as long as forever, and is so common that we have come to expect love and fear to be perfect partners. That could only be as we do not understand what love is.

Love is this: We love or we do not. Love does not allow loving this and hating that. Where there is love, there is no possibility of hate or fear. It is pure peace, pure acceptance, pure joy. Or it is not, but it is not love and fear.

Once we recognize love, pure love, unconditional love--you know, the love of God for us, we find that to stray from it is completely numbing ourselves to joy.

Fear says, "Protect. Protect. Protect. Defend. Defend. Defend." And, love says, "Accept. Appreciate. Release. Freedom! Peace! Joy! This is why there can be no suspicion and love in the same place. There is love or there is suspicion, but there can never be both at the same time.

Of course in love, there would be no movies and novels because there would be no antagonists. There would be no news as we think of news now because there would be nothing to fear, and nothing to predict or analyze. So, we so often live with the alternative fact that we love others and can fear them at the same time.

Pure Love Is All There Really Is. Anything Else Is Simply Turning Away. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by opening yourself to the pure joy of pure love and allowing the world and all others who live within it to do as they choose for themselves.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-9-17

"You can say any foolish thing to a dog, 
and the dog will give you a look that says, 
'Wow, you're right! 
 I never would've thought of that!'" 

-- Dave Barry 

It's amazing how much agreement we can have when we talk to one that cannot talk back. . .

It is easy enough to see that animals live in the moment while doing their best to lead by example. 

Today Is Happy Thursday. Everyone Gets A Free Pass. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by laughing often! Who knew?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-8-17

"Don't judge each day 
by the harvest you reap 
but by the seeds that you plant." 

-- Robert Louis Stevenson 

I was wondering this morning that as I stand in appreciation singing praises to someone in my mind if that vibrational energy touches that someone, and though it may not affect them physically or recognized in their brain, it may delight on some level of their spirit within.

I know one thing for sure is that it surely has an uplifting effect on me.

I do this a lot these days. It brings me joy to praise others in my head, as well, I love at least as much expressing these thoughts and feelings in person whenever that is practical.

The inspiration to praise can come from anywhere. The one that caused me to write about this today was a 1995 movie that I saw for the first time a couple days ago. I am amazed how much I loved it. It is titled, Good Old Boys, and stars Tommy Lee Jones, Sissy Spacek, Frances McDormand, Sam Shepard, and a very young Matt Damon. Tommy Lee Jones co-wrote the screenplay and it was his directorial debut. This movie immediately went into my top ten list as it was so well done from every angle I could see and hear. It's a delightful story of life in the west in tough and also joyful conditions.

I've been singing praises for the opportunity to experience this flick, and especially for Tommy Lee Jones for pulling out the best in the great actors, himself included, while bringing this story to life. I also loved the lack of the typical gun violence that so often accompanies Westerns.

As I was singing his praises for the gift that he gave me, I wondered if in some way he could be receiving that. We may be unaware of this in our physical life, but I do believe that this communication is received on some level and that I receive them from others as well.

If that is true, then it would apply to any communication content. It causes me to wonder how over the years I may have heaped hot coals on the heads of others and unknowingly burning them in the process of my imagined privacy in thought. I'm well aware that in looking back from my current level of learning and growth that I was doing plenty to burn myself in the process.

I know the Thought Police are not a reality, so I'm safe right now, but a more beneficial consideration would be to check from time to time what seeds I may be planting. I now know fully that as I plant seeds of joy, upliftment, love, appreciation, I am guaranteed a delightful harvest this moment in me, as well as all who receive my vibrational transmissions.

In The Church Of My Mind, I AM The Worship Leader. 

Spread Some Joy Today--via your appreciation in thought and action.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-7-17

"While we may seek the grace of God, 
our more pressing need 
is to extend grace 
to ourselves and each other." 

-- Alan Cohen 

What a thought provoking quote. As I was thinking about this statement, a couple things came to mind. First, I imagined the grace of God as such a delicious thing and how so many of us want the favor of that, and we may often see that as coming from outside of us and to us.

Second was the idea of extending this grace to ourselves and each other and how even in seeking God's grace, we may be feeling unworthy, not allowing it to touch us in the most nourishing way, and then not considering how the sharing of that with others rather than being a pressing need could be the most natural thing to do.

If I thought of grace as less mystical, I might see it as unconditional love, which I believe it is, and then thought of God not being so mystical and thinking of that rather than as a spiritual entity, that it is more like All-That-Is, all of life we see and do not see, then it is easier to allow this grace to be part of me as I am part of All-That-Is.

But, the thing that came to me most powerfully this morning was the idea of thinking of this grace as not a thing, or even a feeling, or a gift. I thought of it as a river flowing. As this river is flowing, I may partake of it anytime I decide that I want to. As I am feeling the flow of this river of grace, it is flowing in and out of me and back into the river for all others who choose to, may flow with and in it as well.

Abraham, Esther Hicks has said many times and in many ways that Well-Being is a constantly flowing river and we either allow it to flow through us or we disallow it, as there is no Source of other than Well-Being. This seems to me to be a perfect match to grace, unconditional love, the grace of God, All-That-Is.

As we seek the grace of God, we might realize that it has always been given, that it has always been there within us, and as simply as we turn our focus to see, touch, and feel it flowing through us, we are flowing the grace of God, and as we do not attempt to block the flow, we cannot help but pass it on still fully flowing to all others.

This Gives The Old Adage Of Going With The Flow A Whole New Perspective. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing yourself to be a conduit through which All-That-Is flows. That is pure joy in action.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-6-17

"It's not that what they expect 
is the reality that everyone lives, 
but that everyone lives 
the reality of what they expect." 

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks 

What is the real value of education? To me, it is to open my mind to different expectations, with the highest educational value being to release all expectations that do not serve.

Have you ever thought something like this? 'If I had it to do all over again, I would do things differently.' The expectation is, of course, that things will turn out better, or more to our liking. Yet, I think that the real value of going back would be if we could bring our current level of education (often called experience) with us. If that were the case, whatever choices being made would have to be different based on that alone.

Yet, the real value of education is not going back, but to experience our now more fully. This will allow us to change our perception of the past from pain to stepping stones, and into a delightful unfolding.

Consider this from Abraham, Esther Hicks: "Your eyes, your ears . . . even your nose, tongue, and fingertips are translating vibrations . . . but your most sophisticated of vibrational interpreters by far are your emotions. By paying attention to the signals of your emotions, you can understand, with absolute precision, everything you are now living or have ever lived." 

With this knowledge firmly implanted in me today in my now, I can look back on things from that past and see so clearly how I was getting what I was getting based on my thoughts and feelings. I also see in my now correlations all around me of where I was many years ago.

I remember being a sales manager at Woodard Chevrolet in Fairfield CA in the mid-1980's. I loved what I was doing, but disliked the general manager directly above me. There were days when he was pleasant and I even learned things from him, and other times he was torture to be around.

Knowing what I now understand, I can see how I created that distress inside myself by myself. I now see that he was doing what he knew how to do, with his expectations, and his level of learning, with all of his accumulated experiences. Now I love him for all that he was, but then I was not into unconditional love. My love then was very conditional. As he was nice, I loved him, as he was an ogre, I hated him. I know now that my feelings were created by my own thoughts and based on those negative feelings, I was out of alignment with my higher knowing.

At the same time, I can now see all the stepping stones I walked on to get here in my now understanding of what I got then and why. This is unbelievably helpful in seeing who and what I am now, and to find such joy, not only in the freshly-viewed journeys of my life but the moments that I enjoy right here and now.

The Value Of True Education Is Expanded Understanding. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by loving yourself in all of your travels. Then, love everyone else who traveled with you to here.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-5-17

"You may encounter many defeats, 
but you must not be defeated." 

-- Maya Angelou 

Absolutely! Defeat is a temporary setback, but defeated is a mindset.

Broke is a temporary condition, as well as insolvency, a word that makes me think of more than broke because it often delves into negative territory. Poor is a mental state.

Feeling the space that is now empty where a loved one used to be is an inevitable change given time, but grief is a state of being.

There are many ways in which we can feel thwarted, or taken off the path we travel temporarily. As long as we maintain a hopeful stance, these things can actually create more strength, resolve, love, compassion, and even joy if we will allow ourselves to consider the benefits these temporary changes contain.

There Are Always Benefits As We Become Willing To See Them. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by feeling your way toward your joy. It is always along the hopeful avenue.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-4-17

"Change is not so much 
adopting a new path
as it is letting go 
of our hold on the old." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

I was thinking about how it can seem so hard to change sometimes while realizing that it isn't really that hard. What is hard about change is relinquishing our hold on the way it has been, or the way we have always done things, or the comfort zone of the familiar. Change means something different while often different may be another word for unknown, and many of us are afraid of the unknown, or at the very least reluctant to get to know it when we have the all known right here and now.

I like this bit from Abraham, Esther Hicks to help make sense of many things including change: "Like learning to understand the basics of mathematics and then having the successful experience of understanding the results of their applications, once you have a formula for understanding your world that is always consistent, it will yield consistent results for you." 

Based on that, I realize that change is a constant in all of the physical things we can see, as well as those we do not, and so change is a given, yet rather than something new, different, or unknown, we may continue to change right back to where we are now. A better way to see that is to see change as a choice where we are choosing again and again and again the same kinds of things which keeps us in that so familiar place.

I ran across this very telling quote from Cesar Chavez that says what Abraham said in a different and yet eye and mind-opening way. He was speaking of social change, but it applies to all I have brought up here: "Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." 

As Abraham said, "once you have a formula for understanding your world that is always consistent, it will yield consistent results for you." As I have accepted the knowledge of how my life works, I cannot really go back to where I was in my ignorance.

The thought of me shooting myself in the foot accidentally is no longer possible. It is instead a purposeful act in my awareness of my thoughts and actions. I may suffer in either case; however, I can no longer blame others or circumstances. I can only accept that I am aware of my own thoughts and actions and full responsibility for all of them and the results that must follow.

I used to dislike math, and now I love it. I know what I get along with how and why. It is easily understood as a formula. I have learned. I wanted to learn and here I am in my learning. From this place, I may go forward, but not back.

This Is A Place Where I Am Inclined To Shout, Hallelujah! And, I Am Eager To Move Further And Farther. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by realizing where you have come to in your learning travels. There is such joy in learning. However it comes, it ends in joy.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-3-17

is not a thing, number, 
or a symbol of status. 
It is not even physical. 
It cannot be pursued or caught
but only allowed. 

It is purely a feeling
derived from a delicious point of view. 
Abundance is an inside job." 

-- Albert K. Strong

If one believed that abundance meant a lot of money, especially a lot left after paying bills or buying what one wanted, consider that the money is not the source of the abundance. It is the feeling of abundance that is the source of the money.

Let's take love as another example. Finding that soul-mate, and having the perfect relationship, or having thousands of people loving you just for being you, isn't the source of love. It is the feeling of love that is the source of love.

An even better way to explain it is aligning with our own higher selves. We are that in addition to this physical self and it is the alignment with that higher self and the physical self that is expressed as love, or abundance, or anything else that we want. When we are resonating with our entire being, we are rewarded with good feelings to indicate that alignment. As we are not resonating, or as there is discordance in vibration, or we could say we are out of tune with our higher selves, we feel negative emotion to indicate clearly where we are.

As we put a claim on our desire for abundance and in our thoughts and in our actions we feel discordance; e.g., it will never happen, I don't deserve it, no one in my family ever has, it's not in the cards, look at all these bills, I'll never find the job that I need, I'm too old, I'm too tired, I don't have the energy, and millions more, we are not only not attracting abundance, but we are attracting more of these things that demonstrate we do not or cannot have abundance.

But, abundance isn't a thing, number, situation, or symbol. It is purely a feeling. So the way to resonate with abundance is simply to exercise our practice of the feeling that we would have if abundance was ours. Then, through the resonation of the positive alignment with our higher and physical selves, we can only attract more thoughts that summon the feeling of abundance. As we live and practice in this place, whatever we think we want that represents abundance to us is drawn. And, as long as we don't recall resistant thoughts that create discordance, there is nothing to stop that which we want.

It has often been said that there is no way to peace, but that peace is the way. Equally, there is no way to abundance, the way is through abundance. There is no way to love because love is the only way. We live in a thought-created world, and have been given the guidance that we need via our emotions by merely and perfectly paying attention to how we are feeling.

Abraham, Esther Hicks shares some enlightening words: "We didn't say: When you feel good you are allowing good, and when you feel bad you are allowing bad (although it may translate into your experience in that way). There is only a Source of Well-being--which you are allowing or not." 

Even more, they add: "By paying attention to the way you feel, you can fulfill your reason for being here, and you can continue your intended expansion in the joyful way that you intended. By understanding your emotional connection to who-you-really-are, you will come to understand not only what is happening in your own world and why, but you will also understand every other living Being with whom you interact." 

As I practice this in my interactions with other people, as I hear them talk of problems they are having, things that distress them, things they push against and fight, and more, I move quickly and as politely as I can to guide the subject toward Well-being. As I resonate with my higher self and physical self, I cannot join in with this self-sabotage, and I would like to do what I can to help them back to their own resonation with their higher self, and if not, I love them as they are unconditionally, but I must move along. My Well-being depends on it.

My Desire And Passion To Feel Good Is My Guide To Well-Being. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by feeling the resonation within as you feel joy. What an amazing place to be.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-2-17

"Not one single atom opposes us." 

-- Zen Master Hongzhi 

I believe this axiom, and that any pressure we may think we feel is from within, not without, and created exclusively by us for our own purposes. Whether it is a reaction or response to a stimuli, or a creative fantasy, it is all created by us.

But, generally, this is very hard to accept.

It takes a willingness, an opening of the mind to a new point of view, all the way to accepting full responsibility and release of blame.

But, generally, this is very hard to accept.

It takes a decision to never, ever complain again. If something is happening and we are not liking it for whatever reason, we do not complain of it, we learn from it what it is that we do want, and then we turn our focus there. We do not revisit again and again that which doesn't feel good to us. Instead, we choose to feel good, and any contrast to that is accepted fully as guidance toward feeling good, being in enjoyment of our lives and all that it contains.

But, generally, this is very hard to accept.

The information is there to learn from. It has always been there. We allow it or we do not, but it is always there. Here's a quote from the Emerald Tablet, circa 3,000 B.C.: "As above, so below. As within, so without." The information has been here forever, and we draw it as we are ready.

No one can make us ready. That creates resistance. That is pushing against that which does not want to move. It is ineffective at best, and totally worthless at its worst. So some share openly and those who are thirsty will drink and those who are not will pass by. So be it. Everyone comes of their own free will and desire, or it would be of no value.

We create our own reality out of our collected reality.

But, generally, this is very hard to accept.

Until we are ready.

Then, this releases a flow that will astound and amaze.

We Choose As We Will.

Spread Some Joy Today--as you choose to see and experience joy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Daily Inspiration 2-1-17

"What true patience is, 
is knowing that you want it 
and knowing that it's coming 
and actually enjoying 
the unfolding along the way." 

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks 

I'm sure most people would like to take a pill, go to bed, and wake up changed without effort or even having to think about it. Assuming that could happen, I doubt that they would recognize the change that actually did occur because change is a constant; albeit, it is often changing to the default position like a skip in an old record playing the same few seconds over and over and over again.

Diets are like this. We added some inches and weight and we want it gone yesterday without effort. There are thousands of books, audio recordings, and video on the subject. There is this diet and that diet and some hang around for a while while others are here today and gone tomorrow. It is a multi-billion dollar industry.

I've tried many from the Belly Fat Cure to the Maker's Diet, Juicing, no-carb, all-carb, and many more. They all suck. They feel that way because they don't match up with the common reality we share in the world of food. They require a lot of exclusion with minimal inclusion, and they seem to leave me craving meat or bread, or meat and bread--you know, pizza! All of them have been successful at redirecting me to my original starting point, and sometimes beyond that. They aren't any fun. At all. More like torture.

So I decided to try something different, and it is fun. And it is working. And I am in joy! It's called patience. I got it from Abraham, Esther Hicks and it matches the quote at the beginning. But, the part that makes it work is this phrase, which is worthy of putting on the wall in big letters: "Enjoying the unfolding."

Consider being a parent of a young child, and for some reason you are on an extended trip without the child. . . . a secret mission for world peace or something and the child is with the perfect relatives. You come back years later and you won't even hardly recognize the child. My oh my has he or she grown. But, here's the point of this: we missed the unfolding. That is the part that matters the most. Having a child and then the next time you see them grown up is missing out on their life, and yours along with them.

If we have enough patience to allow the unfolding, and even more than allow, but to enjoy the unfolding, we get to experience the deliciousness of the change toward a desired end result rather than skipping ahead to the end result.

It is so easy in our busy lives to be ever busier, and to crave instant gratification. We even come to expect that and demonstrate our impatience with any delay. Yet, the journey is the best part of the destination as we develop patience to allow that to flow.

This trip began for me on Christmas Day, and I am injoying the unfolding as nothing I've enjoyed before. It is fun. I am not hungry. I haven't changed very much, but I've set an intention, expressed my desire, and I am patiently enjoying this journey, which is working better than anything I've ever tried. I don't get on the scale to check progress. Instead, I feel the progress within, and I only got on the scale once in the last 35 days. I didn't even need to do that because I can feel the change, and others are noticing the change too. The changes are small day by day, but I feel them all joyfully.

In addition, rather than using exercise as a method of weight loss, I'm using it to enhance the joyful expression of my limbs and stature. That is making exercise fun too.

Of course, this procedure, if we would call it such, is useful in any endeavor. Rather than being in a hurry, impatient, demanding, and disappointed, we can achieve our intentions in joy by enjoying the journey without being concerned about the destination or the timing.

Patience Is Trusting The Unfolding. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing your joy to lead you where you want to go.